Chapter Seven

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Max walked her all the way home that night. He insisted on it.

Not that Dana particularly minded. At this point, with dizziness clouding her mind and making her trip over her own feet, she had to admit that it was nice to have someone to use as a crutch.

But then she'd trip again and Max would put his arms around her and pull her back against him to keep her steady. And then she'd feel him behind her- his muscular chest, his animalistic eyes that would calm into a look of great affection when she turned her head to look back at him.

It was too much. That affection. It was far too much. Because it made her feel affection too. And heat, and desire, and lust, and pain, and fear, and curiosity. Too much for her, who wanted nothing to do with any of these emotions.

So she walked as far away from him as she could, still using his arm to support her, feeling his eyes on her face, measuring her expression.

" I was waiting outside to walk you home again," he said, startling her by being the first to speak. "Your friend came out and saw me. She said she couldn't find you."

Dana nodded carefully. "Thanks... for finding me."

She turned to look at Max, only to find his lips quirking in something akin to a smile.

Dana found herself smiling in return. "What?"

"You're bad at that," he said simply. "Thanking people."

Dana laughed lightly. "I don't have many people to thank."

Max's expression sobered and he glanced away from her, to the path ahead of them. "Who do you have?"

Dana hesitated. It was an odd question. "I have Marissa. I have the girls at the club. I'm friends with some waiters. Stan, the manager-."

"I meant..." He cut himself off.

"Oh," Dana said. "I... I'm not seeing anyone. I don't really do that."

Max nodded. "Me neither."

Dana looked down at her feet as the silence began again. She took a deep breath, watching from the corner of her eye as he looked at her again. Suddenly, she stopped walking and turned to face him.

"Why?" she asked with abruptness that startled even her.

Max looked confused for the first time.

"Why... Why me? Why do you walk me home? Why did you give me all that money? What do you want from me? Expect from me? I don't-."

She stopped as she noticed his sudden proximity. His face was inches from hers, the warmth of his body hitting her own, stroking her into a calm, heated silence.

"I don't know," he whispered. "I don't know why you. I don't know why it has to be a woman who dances for other men. A woman who can never be mine."

His speech was odd. The mixture of emotions behind his words were too jumbled for Dana to understand. He was talking... Well, he was talking about her like he was in love with her.

She stepped back. "You don't know me, Max."

He chuckled humorlessly. "I know everything about you." He stared at her, watching her reaction carefully. "That frightens you, doesn't it?"

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