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The room grew quiet as the two girls stared at one another. Well, Jade couldn't look at Leigh-Anne for longer than a few seconds, so she would look away.

Leigh-Anne took deep breathes as she tried to control her anger. She knew if she blew up now at Jade then she wouldn't be able to go home. The thought of staying in this hell-hole any longer made her want cry.

"Jade," she took a deep breath before she continued. "Why do these papers say that you could have went home a few days ago."

With everything going on around her, Jade's emotions were all over the place. Now, with Leigh-Anne yelling at her, it didn't help one bit

"Answer me," Leigh-Anne's voice was calm.

Jade wasn't sure if she preferred her friend to be yelling or to be this calm.

Obviously, Leigh-Anne was angry. Jade completely understood why as well. Though Leigh-Anne didn't say anything, Jade knew the girl felt bad about her leaving.

"I have no where to go, Leigh-Anne," Jade felt the first tear fall and knew then that it wouldn't be the only one.

Leigh-Anne had a look of confusion on her face. Surely, Jade had other family or friends she could stay with until she was stable.

Where had she even been before she was admitted here?

Now that Leigh-Anne thought about it, she didn't know much about Jade before she came here. There was a gap between the time Jade's father killed Maggie and Alissa and the time she arrived here.

"You have no family?" Leigh-Anne sighed. "There has to be somewhere you can go."

Right now, this whole situation was a test to Leigh-Anne's temper. She just knew this was meant to be happening as a test.

"Where the hell did you stay after your father got arrested? Surely they would have sent you to some kind if family member. An aunt or grandparents."

Jade was now sitting on her bed with tears streaming down her face. She held a stuffed animal close to her chest as she prayed that Maggie wouldn't return while she was brought back to memories of her past.

Leigh-Anne felt her heart break at the sight of the broken girl. She never realized how broken this girl was until this moment.

The older of the two sat down on the bed beside Jade and wrapped her arms around her. They sat in silence with Leigh-Anne kissing the top of Jade's head every few seconds.

"After my father was arrested I was taken to an orphanage," Jade's voice was weak. "It was a terrible place, and I hated it so much."

Leigh-Anne could here the pain in Jade's voice as she soothingly rubbed her arm. "You had no family to go to?"

Jade shook her head, wiping away a few tears. "When my mother married my father, her family wasn't supportive. She had to choose them or my father, and she chose love."

Honestly, Leigh-Anne was never one for the sappy love, but this brought a smile to her face.

"Anyways, after a year in the orphanage, I was taken to a foster home. The couple who lived there were nice and had a few other children there," Jade smiled as she thought of the other foster children who she considered siblings.

"There was a girl named Zaph who I shared a room with. She reminded me of Maggie so much, and that's when Maggie was in my head. She accused me of replacing her with Zaph and said I forgot her," she began crying again but harder.

It hurt Leigh-Anne to hear Jade talk about this. She couldn't even imagine what it was like to go through something like this.

"I distanced myself from Zaph. It hurt me so much, but I had to do it for Maggie. I couldn't have her thinking that I would replace her," Jade stood from her bed and began to dig in one of her drawers.

She pulled out a picture frame and handed it to Leigh-Anne. There were two little girls standing over a birthday cake that read Happy Birthday, Zaph! in pink letters with flowers surrounding it.

Jade smiled as she looked at the picture with Leigh-Anne. This was one of her best memories that she had as a kid.

That day was so clear. A few of Zaph's friends were over, and Jade was scared her best friend would forget about her. It didn't happen though. When it was time to blow out the candles on the birthday cake, Zaph pulled Jade beside her, so they could do it together.

"It was the night I told Zaph about why I distanced myself from her that lead to me coming here. I told her how Maggie came back to me and would speak to me in my head. She didn't believe me though, and I was hurt," Jade sat back down beside Leigh-Anne and took the picture frame back.


"What do you mean your sister is speaking to you," a beautiful dark skinned her furrowed her eyebrows as she listened to Jade.

She hated to admit it, but her best friend was sounding crazy.

Zaph knew that Maggie was dead, so there was no way that the dead girl could talk to Jade. It was impossible.

"I swear it," Jade took a hold of Zaph's hand and looked her in the eyes. "She doesn't want me talking to you. She feels replaced."

Zaph sighed and shook her head before getting up from the bed. "It's impossible Jade. Maggie died tragically, and it may just be the trauma making you think that she's in your head."

Before Jade could even get a word out, Zaph had left the room to give Jade time alone. She wanted Jade to give it thought about what she said.

"She's wrong," Jade mumbled to herself. "I'm not crazy, and I KNOW what I hear."

As clear as day she heard a voice.

"Leave this place forever."

It was Maggie's, and she listened.

That night, she snuck out the front door without looking back.


Sorry for the long wait for an update.

Please check out my new story

Twenty-Six Ways to Die.

It's a Jade Thirlwall and Perrie Edwards storry.

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