"Hey! What's up?"

     "Can you watch the kids for a little bit. I've got something I got to do." I already knew she was smiling.

     "Yeah sure! El and I were actually on our way over anyway. We just turned on your guys' street."

     "Okay. Thanks Dani. You're a life savor." She laughed and we said our goodbyes. "Answer the door because Dani and El are coming over to watch you guys." The twins cheered, and I ran upstairs to change. I opened my closet doors as the doorbell rang. Feet pounded on the floor, running.

     "Darcy! James! Where's your mom," Eleanor asked in a cheerful voice. I didn't hear James or Darcy reply as I pulled my top off and pulled a clean bright blue tank top on. Feet pounded on the stairs, coming closer to me.

     "Are you in here hiding?" Danielle peeked her head around the door frame and smiled. "I thought so!" Danielle walked over to my bed, falling back on it. "So what's so important?" I pulled a pair of shorts, and sat down by Dani.

     "Edward called me. He told me that he would tell me who the shooter was if I met him at Starbucks." Danielle shot up, a look of concern taking over her face. "I'll go find out who it was and come right back home. I promise.," I replied, my accent thick. Danielle took a minute to agree. "I'll see you in about twenty." Danielle and I walked down the stairs. "Don't tell the kids where I'm going." She nodded taking the last step. I walked off to the closet where I found my matching bright blue converse.  "Bye guys," I said pulling my shoes on. Everyone murmured their goodbyes as I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

     I hoped that Edward wasn't lying when he said he knew the shooter. How would he know them anyway? Unless he was the shooter. No. He wouldn't, couldn't be the shooter. Edward wouldn't follow me all the way to the U.S. would he? I mean he is the one who broke up with me. He doesn't love me. He never really has.

     I pulled into the parking lot, and got out of my car, running a hand through my hair. Edwards convertible was three cars away from mine. Taking a deep breath, I headed for the door. "I'm over here, babe." Edward deep voice came from my left. He was wearing a black sleevless shirt, showing off his muscles. He was always a show off, I thought to myself. Rolling my eyes, I walked over to him. He opened his arms, wanting a hug. "Come on. I don't bite babe," he said jokingly.

     "You sure about that?" He chuckled, dropping his arms still leaning on his yellow convertible. "So you gonna tell me or what?" I asked, debating whether I should lean on his car or not.

     "What's you're rush? Is Harry at home waiting for your return?" Ever since Edward found out about Harry, they've never really seen eye to eye on things. They flat out hate each other. I crossed my arms, raising my eyebrows. "Fine," he huffed quickly. "This is going to be big news so you might want to lean on my car." I stood my ground, not wanting to move. "Or you can stand there and act like a total idiot," Edward whispered to himself. "Here goes." He took a deep breath in, running his hands through his hair. "I'm the shooter." I stood there, motionless as he stared into my eyes waiting for a response. Shaking my head I started to back away. "Promise me you won't turn me in to the police."

     "I have every right to turn you in!" I lowered my voice. "They've been searching for you for the past five years! Do you know how much jail time that's going to be?" Anger boiled inside of my veins. I cannot believe my ex shot me. Six times.

     "I know, but I'm trusting you with this, babe." Edward's head fell to his hands. "I'm sorry. I really am."

     "Why," I snapped. "Why did you shoot me? Six fucking times!" He winced at my voice.

     "Because I wanted you back, but I knew with Styles in the way I wouldn't get that chance."

     "So you tried killing me?"

     "No. Just your kids. I didn't want you to have a connection to him." He brought his head up, looking at me. I was shaking my head in disgust at him. "Babe I'm sorry."

     "I don't believe it. I'm done believing your stupid apologizes! They mean nothing to me, and neither do you!" I spun on my heals, walking to my car. Tears were streaming down my face.

     "Ris," He started, but I cut him off.

     "No! Don't even try to get me to stay! Just stay away from me! My kids! And MY FAMILY! That includes The rest of One Direction." I got into my car, slamming the door hard behind me. I couldn't go home. Not yet. Not with tears going down my face.

     I pulled out of the parking lot, heading into town. I had to tell Harry. I had to tell the lads.



The shooter was revealed!! How many of you thought it was Edward all along?? Comment your thoughts!! I'd really like to know how you felt when you found out it was Edward!

Love you guys! Almost 100 fans! <3 Get me there please??

~ DependsOnForever <33 xx

Protection // h.s.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن