Chapter 2

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The base wasn't how it was when they first saw it.

"Oh my Notch, what did they do?" Sky muttered.

After fleeing, it looked like the corrupted people purposely messed up Seto's base. Books were scattered everywhere, there were holes in the walls, and the lights -some weird kind of stone that no one bothered to notice the previous time they were here- were shattered, leaving only a dim glow over the room.

"Mitch or Aphmau, can you use your fire and light to brighten up the room? I don't want any more injuries." Ty asked.

"I'll do it. Don't want a risk of burning things down." Aphmau said receiving a glare from Mitch. She created a ball of light and hung it in the center of the room.

The men spread around the room searching for the book. "Ty, you remember the cover?" Ian asked.

"I think it was black with orange text." Ty replied. Everyone sighed in relief at the hint.

Half an hour had passed and no one had found the book yet. Suddenly, Ross jumped up. "I found it!"

"Thank Notch!" Sky exclaimed.

They walked over to Ross as he opened the book. He flipped through the pages for a few seconds before stopping at the page with Null on it. Ty shoved Ian out of the way and leaned over Ross's shoulder.

He scanned the words before starting to read. "However, in relation to Null, there is one other who is known to target the Sacred Mob Gods. He is called Entity, his brother. Usually, he appears with an orange portal." Before he could finish, Sky sighed.

"So, we're fighting another Null pretty much."


A few groans came from the group which surprised Ty since he expected them to destroy the place again.

"Where are we gonna find this guy?" Barney asked.

"That's the problem. The book doesn't state where the heck he lives."

"I have an idea." Mitch and Jerome said at the same time.

"Oh Notch..."


"I told you they're smart."

"Shut up."

Seto let out a grunt of pain as the tenth needle stabbed into his back.

"They won't find you. I'll meet them first, and then I can finally do what my brother failed to do."

"We will stop you." Seto growled.

"In your current state, I don't think so." Entity replied.

He snapped his fingers and suddenly, pain flew through his back.




Sorry for the long wait! Writer's block is being an a**

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