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Edited by pallavi55

I dialled her number but her phone was switched off. First time in my life I was scared to core of my heart, scared to loose love of my life.


It's been 2 days since I left my apartment. I haven't even bothered to keep a foot out of my bedroom let alone Ella's house. I didn't even skyped my parents to tell them about my resignation.
I choose to keep that information to myself but there wasn't any harm to tell them about arrival back home.
I scooped my last spoon of ice-cream and decided to call my parents. I hastily put the ice cream tub on dresser, cleaned my hands on my a day old shirt.
I decided to check myself in mirror before I call my parents
"How untidy you have become Shanoo" my mom would scrunched her nose at unhygienic condition.
I looked terrible!!! My eyes were swollen. I had big dark circles around my eyes. My shirt was dirty with ice-cream drips!
I quickly got into washroom had quick shower and changed into new pair of sweatshirt. I then quickly dried my hair and put on little concealer to hide my dark circle and pale skin careful not to look made up.
I adjusted my laptop pressed the tab.
As soon as screen flashed with pictures of parents I smiled
. I saw my father adjusting his glasses.
How old my father looks!. It just he never took my advice and coloured his hairs.
"Hello papa. What time is it over there?" I greeted him, he gave his bestest smile.
"Meera Beta Shanno its so good to see you. How long it has been since you called!!! And haa its 4 am over here. " he exclaimed.
"How are you Papa? & where is mummy" I asked him
& my mother entered the frame giving a wholesome shining smile.
"Ohh shanno beta .You look so dull and pale.  Haven't you slept well?
This Company is giving hard time to my daughter I guess. " she said.
Even after all my efforts to hide my tiredness my mother sensed it.
"No its nothing like that mummy.
Besides I skyped to you both to tell you an important news" I said slowly.
My parents exchanged a worried look.
Then my mother spoke in horror "Oh please don't you tell me have fallen for a girl!!!"
"Oh come on Meera. You always talk nonsense " my father responded to my defence
"I am not talking nonsense. I have seen movies where these firangis fall for same sex.!!!! Don’t you think I just watch  daily soaps in TV." my mother explained herself. I had to stifle my laughter at her horror.
I hoped I could tell her I haven't fallen for girl but for a man who happens to be my Boss!
That somehow resulted in a scandal which is printed everywhere in media where one could lay his eye upon.
I thanked Ganuji for my parents didn't refer to any media except Local paper.
"No mummy I haven't fallen for a Girl. The news was I am flying back to India Ma!!!! " I announced faking my excitement though I was glad that I could meet my parents.
My mother jumped in happiness. My father couldn't hide his excitement either.
"Your post is filled up?? Like isn't it too fast for a company to fill a post? " my dad asked
"I was temporary recruit remember. They were looking for a permanent one from the day I got on Job. So now the new recruit is coming . And I am done with my job here papa " I gave a clarification
"When are you flying back? " My mom asked
"At the end of this week " I answered, the thought of leaving just after some days made me feel uneasy.
"Is that all Shanaya??" My heart said
Was my journey here was so short? I thought.
Was my happiness to much for the universe to handle so it  decided to burdened me with sadness again.
"But what were you expecting either??"my mind smirked.
After a bit of conversation. I bid them goodbye and closed my laptop.
I opened the pack of chips and started munching on them and immersed myself in random thoughts.
Whenever I am depressed I eat a lot and think a lot about useless things.
I glanced at clock it was 9 pm. Ella wasn't home by now. I was too lazy to make myself anything to eat.
So I decided to sleep. However hard I tried to drift off into sleep it was always broken by nightmares & my betraying emotions.

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