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Edited by pallavi55

I know what he wanted but he also knew what my feelings were & he kissed my forehead, hoping to kiss away my pains. I felt good but peck on lips wouldn't have been that bad' I giggled inwardly at this thought.
How Stupid my mind is!


"So what are the scoops? " Ella chirped as she came in to collect the signed file
"Nothing , I just explained him the numbers & he signed and then went to my place" I said as lamely as I could but from inside I was beaming with happiness ,I was happy because of some stupid reason for which I should not be!!!! .
"So uncool " she said disapponitedly & went
I was not able to concentrate on my work , I knew he came to office today & is sitting just one floor above me in his lavish and classy office . Surprisingly my mind was busy making up some reason so that I can go up & have a conversation with him or may be I am thinking to hard . I don't think he has any feeling for me, but he said he feels for me yesterday!!! Yeah not love which even I might not feel for him at this stage but I dont want it to end up soon like a fling .


"Dude , what's going on in your mind " liam questioned me while I was sitting peering in my laptop but my mind & heart was in the cabin a floor below where she was sitting . This woman is affecting me beyond what I could have imagined .
"Shanaya " I just blurted out her name

"That Indian Girl is on you mind pal, what are you up to?" he asked me again
"I dont know , am just attracted to her like never " I said finding it hard to remove her from my thoughts

"What about Veronica ? " liam asked
"Yeah , I am planning to talk to dad about that or should I go talk to her directly that I can't marry her? What say?" I said still questioning my decision , but somewhere I knew that I don't want to be in a plastic marriage were I have to match my undergarments too with her. That would be HELL!
"I dont think going directly to her would be a good option , there are chances she could tear you apart " Liam said and we both laughed our hearts out at this thought
"Am I doing right ? " I asked as he has always been on my side.
"Ofcourse , I am surprised & thankful that are now you are thinking from your heart " he said

"Ewwww now I am starting sounding like a girl!!!" laim said in sarcasm
"Yeah " I replied smiling
"Has she opened up to you yet? " liam
"Who ? " I asked confused
"Who else I would ask you about now! Shanaya man" he said as a matter of fact
"No , she is very reserved about her feelings & .. " I couldnt complete my sentence as I couldnt tell him about shanaya's past because she told me with so much trust & sharing the treachreous part of her past with anyone would be a breach of trust and couldn't have done that! "This one thing I must not tell my buddy", I said to myself
"& what ? " liam pressed
"And..and..She just didn't have good relationships so far " that's all could say
"Hmm , I see what are your plans for valentines? " liam winked
"Liam , we are not in our university to celebrate valentine " I mocked at his childish question
"Are you kidding , valentine's day is to show your love & affection to someone you desire, go on call her up for a fancy dinner make her feel heads over heels for you man , c'mon you are master at it " liam said with his spontaneous tone
"She wont ever be head over heels for me that I am sure of" again I said in my mind
"Tough girl but still you can try " liam said

Than liam's phone rang!! Some stupid ringtone but was enough to make us smile
He winked at me gesturing it towards the name of caller and went off. It was his latest blonde catch for valentine. I forgot her name though!
Today I understood how difficult it was for her to open up to someone , to be vulnerable in front of someone . May be she have felt something for me to share such a hurtful time of her past with me . I should invite her to party on valentine maybe.
Yes i should!!! Sounding determined
I called my personal assistant Jules for necessary arrangements

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