Running away!

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Edited by pallavi55

But I was firm more than ever to never let her go away from my life.
once again my proud woman left me in the hallway.


I hurriedly left the building but a part of me stayed with him.
It wasn't easy for me to decide to leave Stephan.
I cursed my shitty life. It never had been easy on me.
I always sensed the danger of being with such an enigmatic persona.
Hell knew that someday it will get over!! Still I drowned myself in these illusions. The damned illusions which sparked each time when he kissed me that led me believe just in those moments that it would be my happily ever after.
Leaving him wasn't easy but was essential.
My soul screamed to not take such shit again. I promised myself never will I ever let anyone hurt my self-respect especially after that incident.
That was the promise I kept to myself as long as I shall live. It didn't matter at that moment how much I loved him, how important he is to me what mattered the most was my self-respect and my ideologies.
"At the end he wasn't part of my plan" my mind said and inner one nodded in agreement.
I shaked my head at my thoughts and realised he really was a diversion. I came here for work ,for some solace and bloody cooked up a mess for myself again. It was really hard on me this time.
On my way out I glanced at Rohan's agony which reflected mine. But somehow his pain satisfied my anger. The anger held form the day he insulted me.
"Karma Is Served" my mind screamed at him.
I composed my self and gestured valet to bring my company car. It would me my last ride in this swanky Audi as a CFO.
My inner one laughed at my fate.
The chauffeur opened the door for me. I gave a curt nod sat.
The journey to my apartment faster than usual to my dissatisfaction. "Maybe you didn't want to gave all this up?? "my mind said.
"No I do want to give this all up" I said to myself.
I rushed out of the car and hastily walked to the lift to my apartment. As the lift pinged open on my floor, I saw Ella standing there patiently with Ian at my door.
I wondered how long they have been waiting for me.
I walked towards them, they both looked glum. All my anger, hurt, frustration that pented up few moments ago turned into tears the ever flowing tears. I hugged Ella tight and started to whine like a hurt animal.
The fear of losing my best friends, my love, my happy moments dawned on me. It gripped my heart tight. I couldn't help but dread the thought of leaving them.
After my crying subsidised we sat in my living room silently. The memories of this place now haunted me. I wanted to quickly get out of here before I do something stupid or worse change my decision.
I dried my tears and got up to pack my things up.
"You don't have to move out immediately, you know that company gives a week's time to move out of quarters" Ella said circling the rim of her glass.
"Yeah I know that but I think it's better for me to leave soon " I said plainly
"Do you have any place arranged for your stay?" Ian asked
"No. I was thinking to check into a near by Hotel for few days and then fly back to my home, India " I said but thought of flying back again to India gave me chills.
"Shanaya may be you should reconsider your decision" Ella said in a low voice looking at me with empathy.
"I already did Ella & I am firm on my decision " I said with a controlled voice.
"But what the hell happened that you took such a big decision to resign???" Ian asked.
"They got me demoted and told me to fly back to India to my previous position but they just suspended the CEO!! Why? Because he is a Man and has a higher position!!!!!!
I know he is the CEO, they can't just sack him but they can't just demote me either! I was happy with a suspension had I had such option. But people demoted me just because I fell in love with my boss!!! They just ignored all my contribution to this company!!!!" I said fuming.
They both looked at me with wide open eyes.
Ian stood up from the other side of the couch & came near me.
" So proud of you my Baby Girl!" he said giving me a warm hug and my anger melted away.
"Yeah me too!!!!" Ella said with little smile showing her support.
"But you ain't living in any hotel till you are in New York Shanaya, you are sure as hell living with me" Ella said with a determination in her voice.
"No! No! I am fine with hotel. Besides I don't want to give you any inconvenience" I suggested
"Hell no! You are staying with me End of discussion! "Ella announced
"Okay" I gave in & went ahead with my packing. All my essentials were packed up by 5 in the noon. For few minutes I just idly traced my fingers through the furniture of my apartment. A tear escaped my eyes but I toughened myself up and picked up my suitcase and grabbed the keys and headed towards the door. My friends just followed me not uttering a single word.
"Just one last glance Shanaya!" my heart whispered when we reached elevator door but I rejected myself that pleasure and didn't look at direction of my house for it would have weakened me. And I didn't that for myself especially now.
The elevators door closed and all the happy memories just flashed in front of my eyes.
My time here with Ella, the fun we had was out of the world.
Those special moments I spent with Stephen. We even shared a bed in this very house. All these memories made my heart ache.
But I didn't let my face emote the same.
I handed over my keys to the guard sensed the other employees eyeing me with malice. Those judgemental eyes labelling with stupid tags. It wasn't first time I was judged upon but still it managed to stab a wound deep within myself. It still felt like a fresh wound and these people were salting it with their judgmental eyes.
I felt my spirits sinking even more when Diana's words "Find a roof above your head before Stephan's gets over you " echoed in my mind. What she said were true. I am officially homeless now!!!!
I sighed at my fate.
One thing I know for sure was He still truly loved me, I wasn't just a temporary muse like his other Exes
All those crooked smile & muffled laughter kept playing in my mind till I reached Ella's apartment.
Her house was far away from mine. She lived in a township built by company for employees. They were far smaller than mine but they were good. All the houses looked somewhat similar.
We entered her house.
It had a living room and two bedrooms with attached bathrooms and a small kitchen. The house was even smaller than our Delhi house. But I was no one here to complain here.
A small white figure came running towards Ella.
It was a kitten!!!!!
So small it was! It had bluest of eyes just like Ella.
"Ohh Snowbell you missed me?" Ella asked cuddling her kitten to which kitten just meowed.
"Say Hi to Shanaya Snowbell !!!! Ella just picked up her paws and waved me.
"Hello there Snowbell!!! I said brushing my fingers through her white fur. I took her in my arms she didn't struggled to get out of my grip. I felt happy that it didn't find me threating and got comfortable in my arms. I always had soft corner for animals.
"I think Snowbell already likes you " Ella chirped.
Ian left us, I took my luggage into the spare bedroom.
It was tiny just with a bed, and a dresser. I spread out a fresh bedsheet arranged my pillows and got comfortable in bed without bothering to change into my nightsuit.I was drained emotionally, physically from today's chaos.
as I was about to close my eyes there was a knock on the door.
I asked Ella to come in.
She bought a sandwich and a cup of sweet cappuccino just as I like it.
"Thank you Ella though It wasn't really needed " I sat on bed and gestured her to sit besides me.
"You don't have to thank me Shanaya! Just think its my turn to take care of you." she said as her blue eyes shined with fresh tears.
I didn't say anything, I understood what she referred to.
Her eyes reflected everything.
I took a bite of sandwich & my stomach growled indicating how hungry I was!. Through the day's chaos I somehow forgot to eat. At the end I am only a human just like others.
Snowbell entered the room and sat near window staring at us. Its pupil dilated in light, it shined in bluest of its colour.
" What about Stephan ? Shanaya " Ella enquired as I took another bite. I just gulped it.
"Its over Ella. I knew it won't last forever " I said sipping my coffee. Slowly my appetite was drifting away with very mention of him.
"But why are you punishing him when he hasn't done anything wrong!" Ella spoke which was a utter truth.
"You are right, it was never his fault still he has to suffer because of me. He is just like a moth which is always drawn towards fire. It wouldn't burn but still it would go the inside glowing fire. Here I am his pyre. And I never want him to burn into ashes!!!" I said with teary eyes.
Snowbell meowed. I smiled as to how animals understand our emotions.
"& what's your fault?" She asked.
It got me thinking what really was my fault in this? Was it my fault to love someone? Was it my fault to trust someone blindly? Was it my fault to give everything to my work? Was it my fault that I was born Women?
"My fault is that I am an Women with a past and I just can't move one from it!!!!" I said placing my half eaten sandwich away.
"Which past you are talking about?"
Ella asked with a confused expression.
"Nothing as such Ella ! It just doesn't matter now for now everything is over" I said without giving anything away.
"No Shanaya you can't let him go ! I wouldn't have if I were you.
You both are made for each other, you both look so happy with each other, I have never seen Stephan so happy with anyone but you. The way he look at you is just......"
"You can't let him go so easily " She said determined
"You can only see the happiness Ella, the struggle we faced through our time together was not so pleasant " I said plainly
"Every relationship has its struggles Shanaya, you can't just run away from them. At least I never expect you to run away from such situations. You are the strongest woman I have ever been with Shanaya" her words consoled me
"I know but in ours its just me who hinders our future" I said struggling to choose my words wisely
"What are your struggling with Shanaya tell me, may be I can help you please tell me!! " Ella said holding my hands.
I was sweating as to how I would answer her questions. Just then Snowbell brushed herself on Ella indicating she was hungry.
I sighed a breath of relief. I inwardly thanked Snowbell.
"I better feed Snowbell otherwise she might scratch me at night" Ella said laughing
"Yeah Go feed her we will talk later!!!" I said her.
Snowbell got up and already led her way out .
" We will sort this out later okay? " Ella said squeezing my hand and left towards her kitten.
I didn't know how she's gonna perceive me or judge me after knowing my past so I choose keep that secret with myself.
. I wasn't sure now whether it was completely right or not to hide from her what the real problem was. But I couldn't say muster myself to face her reaction as soon as she knows my whole story I will become vulnerable in front of her, her empathetic eyes would turn into sympathetic. I preferred to be strong in front of them rather than some weak hurt sapling...


"I will remove that woman after this suspension gets over, I swear to Jesus " I said between my clenched teeth.
It all happened because of her, the way she insulated Shanaya burned my blood .
Mrs. Rudy will have to pay for her actions soon. I banged my fist on my desk before leaving the office. Shanaya left me & I just stood there looking her figure fade away from my sight.
It felt horrible to let her go. But I had to let her go because she didn't left me for just what happened today it was added reaction to what happened on that unfortunate night in Hawaii.
I drove to her apartment, just to get informed that she left soon as she came. I thought may be its was her trick to stay away from me give me and her more agony.
Part of my me just dreamt that she would open the door for me with her infectious smile wearing a sweatshirt like always. But there was no one there. Just a locked door and the cold haunting corridor. I asked for the key to her apartment on my way up just in case she wasn't there. Soon as I entered her apartment, she was missing, only her perfume lingered around me.
I searched for a note in case she left me one but was disappointed to find none.
I idly sat on the couch thinking about our happy times.
I missed her more than I ever thought I would. I missed sitting on this couch with her while she watched her korean romantic serials, I fucking missed her..I always liked her apartment that was much more warmer & alive than my penthouse but now it was concrete apartment without her bubbliness, her giggles, her lively nature. Her laughter played in my ears . I dialled her number but her phone was switched off. First time in my life I was scared to core of my heart, scared to loose love of my life.

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