"Alex," he looks to my side, "and Alex." For a second I thought I saw him smirk, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Well, this could be interesting. I never see you two together. Or rather, I never see Alexis with anyone else. Now you'll be inseparable until the end of this year." He smiles at us mischievously. 

I look to my right and her gray eyes mirror my shocked expression. She recovers from it quickly and tells me nonchalantly, "Pleasure working with you." Which surprises me because I didn't think she'd like to be partnered up with me. 

Unable to hide my curiosity I reply, "Wait. You're okay with this?" 

"I'm okay with anyone as long as they don't drag me down." She deadpans. 

Our conversation is cut short when Mr. Castor starts speaking in front again. He tells us that every activity is going to be done with our partners. So Gray and I are pretty much stuck with each other until graduation. I get butterflies in my stomach just by thinking about it. I was thrilled. 

After the usual orientation with the school stuff, the class was dismissed. Kris and I left the room for lunch. 

"So Alex and Alex huh? I can't wait to see how this turns out." She chimes excitedly. 

"So Ki and Kris huh? I can't wait to see how this turns out." I repeat her statement with a smirk. 

She slaps me in the arm getting an "Ow!" out of my mouth. She blushes. "Shut up." 

She has been hiding this crush on Kian since forever. But it's very likely that the other party feels the same way. It's not impossible. Kris is stunning. With her blue eyes and ash blonde hair, even I find myself staring at her sometimes. But I never thought of her in that way. She's just my best friend and that's more than enough. 

The cafeteria was packed with people as always. Her teammates from the volleyball team waves at us gesturing for us to sit with them. 

"Hey." I greet them with a smile while Kris gives each of them a peck on the cheeks. 

"So, Alex. I heard you were single again." Casey, one of their regulars, links her arms to mine. "Does that mean I finally have a chance with you?" She asks in a flirty tone. 

I decide to play along. I inch my face forward and smirk at her. "You think so?" Her eyes widen and her ears turn pink. 

She pulls back instantly. "I was fucking kidding, Alvarrez." She says as she rolls her eyes at me, still blushing. 

Her teammates laugh at her futile attempt to flirt with me. We mostly exchanged stories about what happened over our summer break and they were talking about a party this coming Saturday to celebrate Kris' captainship. 

As we made our way back, I was surprised to see Diane waiting outside our classroom, with her back leaning casually on the wall. When she sees us approaching, she promptly straightens herself up. "Can we talk for a minute?" 

The question was no doubt addressed to me. But Kris on my side was giving her a nasty look connoting that we can't have a proper conversation with her around. I hold up a finger and mouth 'one sec' to Diane before dragging Kris inside the room. 

"What does she want with you?" Kris asks, irritation imminent in her voice. 

"It might be a basketball thing. You know she's the new captain. I'll be right back." I ruffle her hair and go back outside. 

"Sorry about that, you know how she is." I sheepishly tell Diane. Now that she was standing straight, our difference in height is showing. I might be 5'8" but she's still at least 2 inches taller than me. I had to look up a little to meet the lightest brown eyes I've ever seen. 

"It's fine," she says as she lets out a sigh. "It's about the tryouts. Coach won't be here until next month so he's leaving us in charge of the tryouts and training." 

"What?" Did I just hear her right? Did she just say that we'll be in charge of something? 

"Yeah, I know you don't like it. But you were originally the chosen captain. And it's just for a month." She explains in a calm voice, the one she knows that also calms me down. 

I rejected the captainship in the first place because I hate responsibilities. And it'd be too much of a hassle. I don't know what coach Martin was thinking when he assigned me to this. Everyone knows I'm not a leader. 

"Please?" She asks me with those pleading brown eyes that I could never say no to. 

I let out an exasperated sigh. I feel like I already lost before we even started the conversation. "Fine, just for a month." 

She beams a smile at me, one that highlighted her perfect facial features. "Thank you!" She exclaims and gives me a big hug. I just stood there, too shocked to do anything. She pulls away from the hug and quickly apologizes. "I'm sorry, just... Habits." She gives me an awkward smile. 

"Yeah, habits." I repeat and add, "And just so you know, I'm not doing this because you gave me those eyes earlier. I could've totally said no. I just don't think you can handle those hard-headed idiots alone."

I see a mischievous glint in her eyes and a smile tugging at the edge of her lips for a moment before she says, "Of course."   

Everything I'm Not (GirlxGirl)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя