We enter the room and instantly 40 pairs of eyes focus on us. What's with that? We're not even late yet. Their gazes didn't bother me one bit. I'm used to the attention. 

I recognize a few faces from our year and some from our team. I wave at them and scan the room for an empty seat. Much to my frustration, almost all seats were taken. There were 2 empty seats in the second row, center aisle, and another one in the far back. 

I look at Kris and she gives me a sheepish look in return. She'd rather take a ball in the face than sit in front. I nod my head and she happily goes to her seat in the far back giving a few high-fives on her way there. Kian, the captain of the basketball team waves at me when he sees me. It seems that he's Kris' seatmate. 

Once I settle on my seat in the center aisle, I rest my head on the desk. I could use some literal shut-eye for a few minutes. My eyes have been feeling sore lately. 

It hasn't even been 5 minutes when someone taps my shoulder. I slowly open my eyes and they were immediately met by piercing gray ones staring at me. My heart almost skipped a beat.

"Gray," I whisper, barely audible. I catch a whiff of her sweet-scented perfume.

"Alvarez," she replies. "The teacher's here." 

I lift my head and see Mr. Castor looking at me with a raised brow. He's young, maybe in his early thirties, with clean-cut hair and a gentle smile. I've had him as a teacher in the past years. He's very friendly to all the students, no doubt making him the best homeroom adviser in the school. "Sorry. Didn't get enough sleep." I say and give him an apologetic smile. 

I don't believe this. Alexis Gray is my seatmate. The hot, straight-A student who has rejected every guy that ever confessed to her. Her raven-black hair and piercing gray eyes are irresistible. The first time I saw her I was starstruck. 

In the years that I've been studying here, this is the first time that we're in the same class. Kris told me they've been classmates before, but they never really talked. I've had a crush on her for the longest time but she won't even talk to me. Or rather, I don't have a reason to talk to her. 

What could I possibly talk to her about? Ask about the names of the stars here in our galaxy? Or how to concoct a poison? Or if she would like me to teach her how to play basketball? That would be really weird, I don't think she'll ever talk to me again if I ever ask her that. 

"Stop staring at me." She calls out without looking. I didn't even realize I was staring. 

I quickly shift my gaze and turn my back on her to hide my embarrassment. I was too distracted that I didn't realize Mr. Castor was discussing something. 

"... you pair up with your partners for the rest of the school year." He says loudly in front. 

I shift in my seat and my eyes travel to the back of the room where Kris was seated. I point to myself and to her to let her know that we'd be partners. She nods her head vigorously and gives me a wide smile. The room buzzed and people were already pairing up. 

But our partnerships were short-lived when Mr. Castor announced, "I'm sorry to tell you this but you won't get to choose your own partner." What? He continues, "I'll be the one to choose your partners." 

The room was filled with protests. I could hear Kris muttering curses from the back. "You kids are going to be graduating in a year. It's not too late to make new friends." Castor smiles at us. He starts pointing out random students and partnering them up. "Julius, Cain, you're partners." He looks to the far back. "Kian, Kristina. You're both athletes. I hope you'll get along." He proceeds on making partners out of people who don't really talk to each other that much. Then he spots me. 

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