The Agenda for Today's Activities

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(Alex's POV)

The look on his face read so many emotions that I knew he couldn't walk. Mark was walking to the door already. He knocked on it. A bit of shuffling and a lady with blonde bouncy hair and a red shirt and dark blue jeans answers the door! She is beautiful! Is this Rick's wife maybe? No she is way too young! Rick stares at the girl with wide eyes and his eyes are so distant. The lady looks to Rick and her mouth drops as she approaches him.

"D-dad? Is it really you?" I almost sighed a sigh of relief. It's only his daughter...

But why would it matter to me?

Mark and I watch as they talk and hug and the lady is crying and finally they look to us. We stand awkwardly until another person comes to the door, a boy. A Morty!

"B-Beth this is Alexa and her brother Mark. We haven't come to STAY..." he looked so sad and regretful and guilty and angry at himself and all around miserable. I pat his back and give Beth a sad look. She nods in understanding.

"Rick?" We look to the Morty. His eyes are already spewing out tears. I feel so overwhelmed with emotions at the sight and pull him into a hug, which may be awkward for him because he doesn't know me but...this kinda hurt me. This family moment between such brilliant people. The rest of the family was now out. I learned their names. Jerry, Rick's son in law, married to Beth. Morty and Summer being their son and daughter. Mark was standing by, covering his eyes, his glasses off which he had in his other hand. His shoulders shook lightly. He was crying already. I tugged Rick's sleeve and gave him the look.

"B-Beth...sweetie...I have to go again." Beth started to burst into tears again. She turned to Jerry and he comforted her. I gave him a thumbs up and he gave it back and took Beth inside. Summer and Morty looked lost and sad.

"Morty. Come with us." I grabbed his hand carefully, not too forceful, a teen boy with a hormonal structure of a female was dangerous and unstable. I had to make him feel safe.

"W-w-what for?" Morty asked and looked to Rick.

"I need you to cloak me DUh" Rick crossed his arms angrily. Passive aggressive was what Rick is. He acted like he didn't care but his actions always said otherwise. He cared. A whole lot. I could tell. Not sure about Mark as he had on a confused look. Cloaking. A Morty used to hide a Rick's mental brain wave pattern. To council out a Rick from being found. Smart.

"He misses you. He can't replace you, even if we tried. And trust me we did. So now he needs you. You are his search light Morty. You keep him sane. And also, you can help us." I said to him. Rick did a small sigh, Mark calmed as well. Mark could tell I had Rick figured out. And Rick was happy I was there to clear his angry words. Morty smiles at me and nodded. We left in the ship. I took shot gun, Rick drove, Morty and Mark talked in the back about everything. Morty told us EVERYTHING.

"I see. So then this Evil Morty...did he really try to do that?" Mark asked.

"Y-yeah. He's a reeeeEAAALlll piece of work" Rick burped. I excused him which caused him to smile my way. A genuine smile.

"So what's the plan then? What do we do?" Mark asked.

"You don't have to ask the s-same question again as rephrase-re say it to sound differ-different." Rick rolled his eyes at Mark. Mark huffed And was slightly triggered by Rick's attitude. I sighed. I suppose I have to translate from now on.

"He means that he doesn't have a plan yet. Or rather he is still processing a plan of action." I explained to Mark. He nodded and leaned back in his chair. Morty looked nervous as he watched the particular of stars and space fly past us in speeds beyond us passengers.

"Can't we kill him? It was super fudging easy to take down those Ricks back at the Citadel." Mark suggested. Mark doesn't like to cuss in front of me, he believes I'm still like a child. Rick burped. I once again excused him on habit.

"We can't even get close to the little fuck. He has guards and shit around him at all times and he is off the charts brainy. L-like a RICK" I excused Rick again. He nodded and looked at a small device on his portal gun. He input a few things and pressed the dial down to finally send the portal in front of us. We flew through it with the ship, the portal's feel around the ship gave me static and a feeling of swimming and jello as we went through and onto an unknown planet. Rick landed us and we were out of the ship making it towards a large house like mansion.

"Squanchy lives here." Rick explained at Morty's and Mark's confused faces. Squanchy, explained by Morty, is a close friend of Rick's who was a scruffy cat creature. If he broke open one of his fangs filled with venom and ate the venom, it would turn him into a large and burly killing machine. Rick knocked on the door with a type of rhythm, he told us to remember it for future purposes. We all nodded as the scruffy cat creatures opened the door, saw Rick and lets us all in. We sat in his tiny home.

"Dang, you brought a squanchin babe, Rick!" Squanchy eyed me. I smiled. He used Squanch a lot I assume to mean bad words or as an adjective or an action, a verb.

"I KNOw right? Anyway, we gotta get the others back together. We have a plan to take down the Citadel." Rick explained to Squanchy. Squanchy nodded and Rick took him aside to whisper him the plan. Squanchy activated a beacon from into the wall with a few press of buttons, I quickly remembered that as well when Rick nodded at me. Only me. Like he trusted me with the information.

"Let's get this Squanching." Squanchy threw on a crazed smirk. I smiled in my own way, innocent yet dangerous is what Rick told me.

(Rick's POV)

We will come and get you Evil Morty. You're guards won't save you now little bitch!

This is what you'll get for trying to steal Alex from me.

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