Chapter 7

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The next day was Monday. Yay... But like any normal human being Addison hated Mondays. Especially this one. He had to wake up even earlier which sucked so he could make his own breakfast instead of his mom who usually did. His mom also usually said goodbye to him but since she wasn't home and wouldn't be for a while she couldn't.

He had also dragged his feet quite a bit that morning so he accidentally missed Damian and Saharah so he just walked to school by himself, luckily nobody showed up as he walked to pick on him.

Halfway to school he had remembered that he hadn't packed his math journal.
"God damnit!!" He growled loudly and stomped his foot on the ground as hard as he could. He forced himself to run to the house, getting a bad cramp halfway because it was still early and he hadn't stretched at all that day. It took him almost five minutes to find it but he eventually spotted it under a few drawings from the night before. Then he hurries out the door again and forced himself to run all the way to school.

By the time he was finally at school he was angry, grouchy, tired, sad, and late to class He also had computer engineering as his first class which was definitely one of his least favorite classes since he could care less about about technology and how boring and complicated it was. Unless it was digital art he was working on, he never really worked with computers.

Luckily the rest of the day was ok for the most part. None of his other classes were that boring and nothing bad had happened to him, Tom hadn't even walked over to him when Addison had walked by him as he walked down to the cafeteria for lunch.

At lunch Addison sat down by Damian, Saharah, Lenny, and Vinny. He was about to start eating a sandwich when suddenly a voice spoke up in his head.
"You're already so fat!! Are you really gonna eat that?? It wouldn't hurt you to loose a little weight." The voice snickered. Addison paused for a few moments and put down the sandwich.
"You ain't hungry dude??" Damian asked, tilting his head to the side.
Addison smiled and nodded quickly.
Damian nodded back and started talking with Lenny.

Addison was quiet for the rest of lunch, he just sat still and stared down at the table and waited for classes to start again. Finally, the bell rang and he sighed in relief and got up and threw away his untouched lunch and hurried off to class after quickly saying bye to his friends. He walked over to his locker, grabbed his sketchbook and some pencils and walked to art class. He was still pissed about having a substitute but he tried to ignore it.

The rest of the day was same old. He finally got out of school and walked home, dragging his feet. He opened the door to his house and sighed sadly when he didn't hear his mother greet him and all of the lights were off, it was way too dark and way too quiet for his liking. He dropped his bag and leaned again the wall and slid down slowly onto the ground. He had to get used to this. There wasn't anything he could do about it.
"This sucks..." He sighed and stayed on the ground for almost ten minutes, thinking about and doing nothing, just staring at the wall. He eventually got up but stayed a little bit slouched over as he walked into his room and flopped down on his bed.
"I'll do my homework in five minutes.." He promised himself out loud. Before he fell closed his eyes he looked over at the clock on his nightstand, it read 3:24 PM.


Addison slowly opened his eyes and looked at the clock... It was 12:36 AM. Addison gasped and jumped up.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!!" He shouted and pulled on his hair and ran down the hall. He grabbed his bag and grabbed his homework and ran back to his room.

He threw down his homework and quickly got started on it. He finished at 2:00 AM, the second he finished he flopped back down on his bed without getting in his pajamas or brushing his teeth. He hadn't even had dinner but he didn't care. He didn't need dinner anyways.

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