Chapter 5

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The two soon reached Gustav's house. It was a very nice house, big, classy, very fine looking. Addison had been to his house a few times, he liked it. He wouldn't mind living there if he had the chance.

Gustav opened the door, still holding Addison and walked inside. He carried Addison up the stairs and into Gustav's bedroom and laid him down on his bed.
"Stay here. I'll be right back. I'm just getting a first aid kit." Gustav told Addison and left the room for a few moments. He came back holding a box with a red X in the middle. He walked back over to the bed and sat on the side of it and helped Addison slowly sit up.
"Agh..!!" Addison hissed under his breath. Gustav gave him a sympathetic look and sighed.

"Hey do you think you could take off your shirt for me?? I need to get a better look at the bite." Gustav asked him and tilted his head. Addison nodded and tried to take off the green sweater but after getting it a little bit less then halfway off he winced and yelped in pain.
"I-I'm sorry..." Addison mumbled, staring down at his legs.
"It alright. I'll help." Gustav reassured him and carefully took off the shirt by himself. He gasped when he saw the bite, it was big, ugly, and was bleeding quite a bit.
"I'm gonna beat Rusty's ass the next time I see that bastard!!" Gustav growled and slammed his fist down on the night stand right next to him, making Addison squeak in surprise.
"Sorry... I'm just really pissed. I'll make sure to report Rusty to the principal tomorrow." Gustav muttered and opened the first aid kit. He cleaned the dirt and blood off of the bite and applied some disinfectant to the wound, earning a few small whimpers from Addison. And then bandaging the wounded shoulder.

Once he was done he went and got Addison a glass of water.
"You should drink this.. You'll need it after losing all that blood." He said and handed him the glass.
"Ok. Thank you." Addison said quietly and began to drink the water. After a little while he finished and handed the now empty glass to Gustav who leaves the room for a minute and puts the glass in the sink and hurries back over to his bedroom and looks in the door and sees Addison on his phone, probably texting somebody.

Addison looked over at him and smiled.
"Just telling my mom I wasn't kidnapped again or something. She gets worried like that sometimes.." He said with a shrug. Gustav was a little confused when Addison said "again" but decided not to pay much mind to it and just nodded quickly.

"Ok.. So do you wanna watch some tv or something??" Gustav asked.
"Sure!!" Addison chirped and tried to get up.
Knowing that the wound was probably still hurting Gustav quickly spoke up so Addison wounded accidentally cause any more pain to himself, "Here. Let me help you." He picked Addison back up bridal style and carried him back down the stairs and to the living room and sat him down on the big leather couch and grabbed the remote from the coffee table and handed it over to Addison.
"You can choose whatever you'd like. I don't really mind what we watch.." He yawned and sat down next to him and wrapped an arm around him. Addison scrolled through the tv channels and finally found some sort of horror movie.

After about a half an hour Addison had surprisingly fallen asleep, despite all of the violence and screaming coming from the movie. Gustav smiled when Addison began to mumble in his sleep and wag his tail slowly from side to side. But soon the innocent little noises and movements turned more violent. He began to cry out quietly and thrash around. Gustav quickly pulled Addison close. He usually never displayed any affection for anybody, he was a cold-hearted person to most. But since Addison and him had started dating the boy had become quite special to Gustav over some time. He began to lightly shake Addison by his uninjured shoulder.
"Addison wake up!! It's just a bad dream!!" He shouted quietly.

Just then Addison's eyes fluttered open and he stared up at Gustav with wide eyes for a few seconds before staring down and clinging to one of Gustav's arms.
"R-Rusty..." Addison mumbled in a shaky voice. Gustav put a hand under Addison's chin and tilted his head up at him.
"It's fine.. I'm taking you home. Alright??" Gustav asked in a gentle voice. Gustav hardly ever acted like this to other people, he was kinda confused on why he was acting like it himself. Addison nodded and Gustav went upstairs and came back down with Addison's shirt, sweater, and scarf and helped him get dressed.

After Addi was dressed Gustav helped him over to the door and wrapped an arm around his back so if he fell Gustav would be able to catch him. It was a slow walked but they eventually made it back to Addison's house.

Authors note: Sorry if there are any mistakes in this chapter. I had to write it all in one day.. I hope it was ok though!!

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