Chapter 3

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"Hello Addison.." Rusty chuckled, staring down at him with a evil grin.
"What the hell do you want rusty??" Addison growled as he tried to get back up but Rusty roughly shoved Addison back down onto the ground and stepped on his back as hard as he could so he couldn't get up. Addison wasn't that strong anyways so it wasn't very hard for Rusty to keep the boy down.
"You shouldn't have done that in class today.. You made a really big fucking mistake messing with me!!" Rusty barked.

Addison suddenly got an idea. He kicked Rusty in the leg, the one he had been using to keep Addison down. Rusty yelped in pain and jumped off of Addison and backed up a few feet. Addison took his chance of escape and quickly got up and tried to run but just as he thought he was about to get away he felt Rusty grab the end of his tail and pull him back down on the ground once again. And just as last time, Rusty stepped down on him to keep him down.
"It was a freaking chair Rusty!! Plus, all of my things were at that desk!!" Addison shouted and thrashed around to try to get away.
"And I wanted to sit there you stupid little twat!!" Rusty barked and punched Addison across the face.
"Ack!!" Addison choked and frowned, "Quit it already!! It. Was. A. Chair." Addison grumbled.

Rusty smirked and paused for a few short moments before leaning down to Addison.
"Beg." He whispered in Addison's ear. Addison gasped and rolled his eyes.
"No way in hell." He snapped at him and stared down at the ground.
"I said beg you twerp!!" Rusty shouted and pulled on his tail. Addison was silent for a little while.
"Fine... Please let me go..." Addison mumbled in a very monotone voice.
"I said beg!!" Rusty growled and pulled on his tail again.
"Please let me go!!" Addison screamed.
"That's more like it." Rusty chuckled and took his foot off Addison's back, Addison quickly got up and started to walk away, not running but quickening his pace by quite a bit.
"Yeah you better run. Fat, stupid, pig!! No wonder you're so slow." He barked at him with a smirk. Addison pretended to ignore him as he walked away from the dog but the words echoed around in his mind and no matter how hard he tried to get those words out of his head they would just Echo even louder.
"Fat, stupid, pig!!"

Once he got home he quickly greeted his mother and ran to his bedroom, his mother seemed a bit confused about how rushed her son was but she just guessed that he probably just had a lot of homework. She had forgotten that it was Friday and Addison almost never got homework for the weekend.

Addison flopped down on his bed and rolled over on his bed and stared at the ceiling and sighed loudly and stayed like that for a few minutes before getting up and drawing for a little while until he heard his mother call for him

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Addison flopped down on his bed and rolled over on his bed and stared at the ceiling and sighed loudly and stayed like that for a few minutes before getting up and drawing for a little while until he heard his mother call for him.
"Dinner's ready!!" He called. Addison was silent for a little while.
"Umm... I'm not hungry!!" He called back. His mother slithered over to his room and knocked on the door lightly.
"Come in." Addison said, staring down at the paper he was drawing on.
"Are you sure you're not hungry??" His mother asked.
"I'm sure." Addison said in a blank tone, still not taking his eyes off of the paper.
"Just tell me if you want anything." She said in a soft voice. Addison nodded quickly and his mother sighed and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Addison didn't come out of his room for the rest of the night, he spent his evening drawing. His mother checked on him a few times before he got into his pajamas and went to bed early, though he had some trouble falling asleep that night though, it was pretty hard to fall asleep. He kept thinking about the things that Tom and Rusty had done. It took him a few hours but he finally fell asleep at about ten at night.

Worthless animal (a zoophobia fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin