Abusive Adult

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Brains, Beauty and Braces
Chapter three: Abusive Adult
AN- sorry it's a short chapter we've got school and everything to juggle together so please enjoy😊

I walked in the house to see my mum with a scowl on her face as if, if anything happened she was ready to beat anyone. Oh and for your information I have a dad it's just that he works in America for the family. Any-who back to the story. So really knowing my ma, I would want to stay clear away from her today, I quickly said "good morning" and walked off into my room.


"yes mum"

"Why didn't you great me"

"I did I just said good morning"

"Are we in the morning! This is the afternoon sometimes I feel like you were dropped when you were a baby"

Mumbles "well who's fault is that" (sarcasm)

"What did you say"


"Mmh any ways I got a letter from school, care to read to me what's it about"

I slowly walked up to my ma and took the letter I could see she had the iron belt in her hand and some rubber shoes.

"This letter is to inform that Anastasia White has being given a 1 hour detention on Monday the 19th of May, any queries of Mrs Anastasia White not able to attend please contact the principle
Yours sincerely................, you see mum I can explain GCO"

"Explain what! Today I'm going to teach you some discipline, I raise you up to be a good child and you start coming home with faulty behavior from school today you will learn, kneel down and raise up your hands"

My ma tied me to the sitting room chair next thing I know she started beating me really hard with the iron belt. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

"Owwwwwwwww mummy please (crying) I didn't mean to get in trouble please, MUMMMMMMMMY!!!!!"

"I swear you better shutup now before I make your punishment worse"

Anastasia thoughts" great my mums nigerian side has come out I hate it when that happens she pratically scares me to death, oh the marks I'm going to get after this beating"

My mum just kept on beating me after sometime she let me go and I just went to my room I guess were both giving each other the silent treatment because none of us is talking to each other.

So really I just took my sore behind to sleep not caring what homework was due in tommorrow.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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