Accident [Part 14]

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I'm absolutely sick of this. All of this lying, and for what? What was the point of having to sit around and lying to my family, just for the satisfaction of no one asking and pressuring me for a family and a marriage?

Taking in a deep breath, you enhaled another piece of pizza with another sigh. Okay, maybe you didn't actually inhale it. But if you ask me, it looked like it. It was starting to get dark outside, but you continued to truck through the mud.

"Ma'am, would you like another pie maybe?" The young waitress came up to you kindly, placing her hand behind her back. "Maybe some dessert?"

Your eyes rolled as you looked up at the waitress.

"You don't even know." You sighed. "Clearly you're taking advantage of me. But clearly I'm fine with it."

You rubbed the tears off your cheek and smiled, nodding your head at the girl.

"Just give me something with choclate, okay?" You begged, wiping the pizza juice off of your mouth.

Man. This pizza is giving me mad flashbacks from when I first got myself into this mess. God, I'm such an idiot.

"You got it." She smiled, her blonde locks bouncing as she hurried away.

Your phone began to vibrate, causing the entire table to move in the process. At first you were startled, but as you looked at the caller ID, you quickly ignored the call.

"[Name]." A male voice echoed, startling you once again.

You looked up in surprise as your eyes quickly shot up to have them meet with a familiar man.

"W-What are you doing here?" You sniffled, rubbing your face to try to hide your crying face.

"Your mother told me you were here." He stated, pulling out the chair across from you.

"And why in the world would she do that?" You snapped back at him, checking down at your phone.

"So, I was right?" He chuckled, clearly ignoring the fact that you were clearly just bawling your eyes out.

"Damn you." You snarled, your eyes throwing daggers at him. "The only time that you will ever been right is when you don't speak, Taminiko."

"Ahem." The waitress interupts, fragily holding onto the plate. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but this is for you, ma'am."

She speaks quietly and pulls a dirty plate from between your arms, placing a chocolate molten lava cake right before your eyes.

"I'll take this plate out of your way." She smiles. "And you sir? Could I get you anything?"

"He's not staying." You retailiated.

"Oh." The waitress mutters, nodding her head. "I'll be back shortly with your bill."

The waitress hurries away again as you sigh, looking up at Taminiko who seems ready to speak. Your phone begins to vibrate again, this time scaring Taminiko in the process. Almost instantly, you turn it off, taking in a deep breath and looking back at him.

"So, like I said, I was right, wasn't I?" Taminiko asks, crossing his arms across his chest. "I'm always here for you, [Name]. If you're having some boy trouble with Sasuke, you let me know."

You roll your eyes, the action working as a statement.

"Unless of course, it's another guy giving you trouble? If that's the case," He jokes, flashing you a smile. "definetly tell me."

"Oh shut up." You snarled, looking over your shoulder in hopes of seeing the waitress bringing your check. "Here she comes." You spoke, turning your head back around to see Taminiko standing up.

"Excuse me please, I need to use the restroom." He stated, striaghtening his jacket and heading off toward the bathrooms.

"Mhm." You muttered, turning toward the waitress.

"Here you go ma'am." The waitress beamed, placing the bill in a holder beside you, attempting to grab the plate from below you.

"Can I get a to-go box?" You asked. "Maybe some more coke?"

"Sure!" She smiled, walking away.

Why is he even here? Where did he go again? Right. Bathroom. What's taking him so long? Don't you jsut whip it out and then-

"Hey." Taminiko greeted, sitting back down in front of you. "You paid already?"

"Yep." You nodded. "I think that it's time for me to go home. Was my mom worried?"

"Not at all." He spoke, shaking his head. "I'm pretty sure that she was on the phone with Sasuke, she sounded upset at him."

Did he tell my mom our deal? There's no way, there was too much in it for him.

"Yeah, I have to go." You muttered under your breath, quickly standing up and heading for the door.

"Ma'am! I have your food!" The girl screamed behind you.

"Give it to him!" You pointed to Taminiko, shutting the door behind you. "Damn, damn, damn..."

You jumped into your car, plugging in the keys and starting the engine. You set your car into reverse, rubbing your eyes.

"I swear to god. If he fucking said a word, I'm going to-" A horn suddenly beeps, causing you to slam on your breaks.

"Who the hell?" You screeched, yanking your car into park and opening your driver's door.

"What do you think you're doing? Do you not look when you drive?" A voice yelled, causing you to become even more angry.

"I've had a bad day, okay-" You started yelling as you turned toward the man. "Of course."

"[Name], you literally just ruined my car." The Uchiha yelled, angry but clearly trying to be rational. "I get you think I cheated on you or something but-"

"You're not even fucking dating me!" You yelled, your voice echoing throughout the parking lot. "You are not actually engaged to me. Do you not remember?"

"Fuck you, [Name]!" He yelled even louder, marching up to you. "Regardless of your damn feelings, my brother's thirty-five thousand dollar car's front bumper is dented!"

"Fuck you, Sasuke!" You yelled, pushing his chest. "I wish I weren't your roomate, I wish I wasn't your friend, and I god-damn wish I would've never met you." 

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