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Ashton's POV

What if the things that existed didn't exist and what everything seemed was a total fake?

That thought had been running through my mind for a while now and it had been present in my dreams also. I too had this dream, not like my normal dreams. It was strange and more like a nightmare. A nightmare about Avery.

A dark alley and trash cans everywhere. I heard murmurings of 'she'll be in mental position soon' and 'waiting is the key'.

"Who are you?" I leaned over to the man, a confused expression planted on my face.

This man was defiantly old and somewhat crazy. I could tell he was homeless but the clothes he was wearing said different. Perhaps he had rich children?

"Get out while you can man! Your going in spirals, you should of never messed with her and he's going to get you and the girl- your just a bump in the road!" The man noticed me.

I stood grounded to my spot before he leapt on top of me and away, scurrying back down the street.

I remember waking up with a thick layer of sweat that night, my curls were plastered to my forehead.


"Good morning Ashton" Calum greeted, a friendly smile was on his face.

"Morning Calum, have a good sleep?" I asked, shifting through the files.

"Not to bad, the thunder kept me awake though" He answered "How was yours?"

"Not the best" I admitted. I finally found Avery's profile.

I stapled the documents I wrote, summarising Avery's time in recorded highschool, to the back of her profile.

I had her for a appointment at noon today but it was only nine in the morning so I was working with Calum and a patient, Paige Jogger.

"Lets head over to Paige" Calum

nodded, opening the door.

We stormed the corridors, reaching the permanent ward, Ward D. Paige was a mentally afflicted girl, she went through some traumatising things during her life- she's 40 this year.

"Hello Paige" Calum walked into her room.

Her sweet face had a scowl on her face, glaring at Calum. She spat onto the floor like a cowboy.

"Morning Dr Hood" She growled.

"Morning Paige, your birthdays coming up soon- right?" Calum asked.

I remembered the annual tradition of a patients birthday, a small cupcake and a fake letter from their loved ones. Since this year it was her 40th and she was stable except for hating Calum, we were planning to give her some money and take her to the shops.

This new 'shopping' present was a trail and if she could withstand it we would do it with other acceptable patients.

"Correct" Paige answered.

I butted in before Calum "Well we are going to have a surprise with you, would you like to take a walk?"

A simple smile reappeared on her face and she stood up, straightening out her white one suit.

Calum and I stood next to her, slowing walking down the halls. She seemed overly happy about this new gift for this year.

"I can't wait to buy a new book!" She awed.

She couldn't wait, Paige loved reading books and some of us doctors had given her a few books that they didn't want.

I left them to head over to Avery a few minutes early. Peeking in the window she had a small piece of white chalk in her hand and on the ground.

"Hi Avery" I walked in, closing the door behind me.

"Shh- wait a few minutes" She hushed.

She stuck her tongue slightly out of her mouth, dragging the chalk against the vinyl floor. A few minutes later I realised she was drawing a hopscotch area.

"Lets play a game" I offered, an idea popping into my head.

She titled her head sideways, confused but agreeing. Avery looked awfully cute but I had to hold it back.

"If you answer my questions correctly you can play hopscotch, if you refuse I'll get a sponge and wipe it away and take your chalk" I offered.

"That's not fair" Avery mumbled, crossing her arms.

"Fair but good" I mimicked.

I admit, the game wasn't exactly 100% fair to Avery but I needed answers and I was going to get them some way or another.

To answer, she jumped the hopscotch along the path landing directly in front of me.

"Why did you burn your copies?" I asked.

"Because I didn't want anyone to know how embarrassing I was" She answered.

"The right answer" I warned.

I was getting mad at Avery, I was so tempted to get the sponge.

"I was blackmailed, this girl called Bridget told me to do it or she would say the nudes she sent out were mine" She sighed.

[No offence to anyone called Bridget- story purposes only]

She hopped back down the hopscotch path, her blue ponytail bouncing up and down. She stood at the beginning again, waiting for the next question.

I was beginning to enjoy this little game of ours and that was good, she needed to enjoy counselling sessions.

"Why did you refuse the school therapist?" I asked

"Luke was offered it too. We both said no, we didn't want to get teased. We both knew where we were going- here" She chuckled slightly.

Somehow I believed her. I remember someone saying that a while ago but it didn't point out as important to me. Until now.

We continued our little game for a while but the questions I were beginning to ask were useless to the information I needed, so we stopped.

"Well, this appointment is over Avery. Have a good day" I rocked on my heels before heading to the door.

"What do you do after work?" She asked, rocking on her heels like me.

"I go home or visit my room mate, Nathan" I shrugged my shoulders.

Why did she want to know about my life away from the asylum? I admit, today was a very confusing day for me.

Back at my office, I sat down. The memories of my nightmare came back to haunt me. The things she's been telling me and the things the man told me matched up.

Whatever is coming for Avery is real.

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