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Avery's POV

"I see your still here" I laughed, taking a seat at the quite empty table.

The whole room was a bland white, white walls, white floors- even the posters they hung up were white. It was hideous beyond belief.

"I'm glad you've arrived- I finally have a friend" He laughed.

"Dear god Hemmings! Don't tell me you haven't made at least one friend" I seriously asked.

"Well I did make one- but he's in charge of you" Luke rolled his eyes, reluctantly tapping his finger nails on the table.

"Ashton?" I gaped at the boy.

His friend was Ashton? That boy with the curly hair and the dress pants and shirt? I never would of expected that of a friendship to form- certainly containing one of a nurse and a patient.

"Why don't we invite him over then?" Luke asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and flinged my arms around "YEAH! While we're at it lets have a picnic and eat fairy bread!"

"Sometimes your so embarrassing Avery that it isn't funny" Luke face-palmed his face.

"But you love me Lukey" I cheesy-smiled.

"Sadly I do" He laughed.

Luke stood up and walked over to the kitchen end of the cafeteria where he got a plate of neatly chopped up ham and one small square of bread.

"How do you...?" I trailed off, cringing at the sight of it when he arrived back.

"Survive?" He raised an eyebrow "sadly I don't"

"Okay Patients! Times up!" A doctor clapped his hands above his head.

"Well I'm going back to hell- see ya later Hemmings" I commented.

"Good Luck with Ashton, James!" Luke laughed.

With that small and usual goodbyes Luke and I parted our different ways. He went off by hisself but I had to be whisked away with Ashton following closing behind.

"How did you and Lucas meet?" Ashton asked, resting on the end of my bed.

"Well- we were great friends in highschool and we knew where we were heading- here" I shrugged my shoulders, sliding down the wall.

"Avery" Ashton fumbled with his hands "What happened in early highschool- we have zero records before year ten"

"Nothing" I sighed, not wanting for my voice to get loud.

"Avery- I need to know!" Ashton struggled to keep his voice down.

"I barely know you- you barely know me! I don't trust you! Your just another medical...medical" I fumbled off with the last word I was going to say.

Fury was building inside of me. I could no longer hold it off. It was being unleashed and there was no way to tame this beast.

"Medical what?" Ashton yelled, glaring at me with angry eyes.

"Medical idiot!" I shouted.

I shot up from my position on the floor and walked towards the door. Freedom is through this door and I'm determined to find Luke and race out of here. I don't belong here, I don't belong at all.

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