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"Don't have to wash up when you have a woman, am I right?"

The older boy mused, as he picked up a cocktail and gulped it down. Chanyeol's older brother, Chanhyuk, was lazily positioned on the lounger with his head back in boredom. Sunhee glared at the boy who only winked to her in response. The adults sat watching the pair in amusement, Mr. Kim, Sunhee's father, gestured to them as he bellowed with laughter.

"They do make a fine couple, do they not"

"Yes indeed"

Mr. Park agreed, Sunhee turned to the side, biting her lip in response. Chanyeol sat across from her, eyeing her quietly as the girl suffered. He looked to his brother who smirked to himself, clearly loving the spotlight.

"Well this was a fine evening, what do you say to the arrangement Chanmin?"

Chanyeol piped up, his heart taking control of his mouth.

"What arrangement?"

He sat forward slightly, his brother looking to him in amusement. The two elders looked to the youngest son, slight confusion on their faces.

"We decided to go on a shared holiday, so bonds... can be made"

When the man said 'bonds' he looked between the three children skeptically. Sunhee and Chanyeol made eye contact for a split second before breaking off with small smiles.

"It's getting late, we should go yes? Sunhee are you ready?"

The girl nodded swiftly, getting up and waving shyly to the family.

"Chanhyuk get the girl her coat"

The older boy got up, sauntering to the coat hook and picking the pink bomber.

"My lady"

Sunhee took it without looking to him, rushing to the door before someone called her name, making her turn. Chanyeol walked swiftly to her, handing a beige coloured scarf.

"Y-you forgot this"


Her cheeks were dusted with red as her father put an arm around her, waving to the family before the door was shut. Chanyeol stood at the door, his older brother behind him.

"What a weirdo"

Chanyeol stiffened, turning on his heel and bumping the boy's shoulder on the way to the staircase.

"Yeah? well you're an asshole"


Sunhee breathed in as she glanced at the two boys squished on either side of her. Mr Park had forced her to drive with them, but as the smallest Sunhee was forced in between the brothers, barely moving for the past thirty minutes. As they pulled up at the airport she breathed a sigh of relief, immediately hopping out of the car to stretch her achy legs.

She watched all the people passing by, her breath hitching at the crowds and tugged on the sleeves of her sweatshirt. A heavy bag slammed into the back of her legs, causing Sunhee's eyes to dart towards the back of the car where Chanyeol stood, glaring at his brother. Chanhyuk couldn't contain his happiness as he watched the girl's shock.


He chuckled as Sunhee grabbed her suitcase, moving next to Mrs. Park while she waited for the boys to collect their bags. She pulled her phone from her pocket calling her parents who picked up after the first ring.

"Hello love"

Mr. Park's voice appeared as the sound of a car engine echoed through the speakers.

"Are you nearly here?"

Her nervousness was clear from her voice and her mother immediately picked up on it, interrupting her husband.

"We're pulling in now....wait for us at check-in okay?"


Her parents muttered a quick goodbye before hanging up. A loud coughing noise interrupted her thoughts and she was met by Chanhyuk staring back at her.

"Come on babe, let's go in"

A slimy grin appeared on his lips, causing a shiver to go up her spine as Sunhee jogged over to the family, speeding up her walk to keep up with Chanyeol. After a few minutes, Sunhee's parents arrived, waving excitedly at the Park's and giving their daughter a quick smile.

"What great manners" Chanhyuk muttered sarcastically, turning to his brother. His face became dark when he noticed Chanyeol's unamused face and he huffed in annoyance as he wandered to the check-in desk.

"Are we purposely trying to be late?"


Sunhee waited, rubbing her hands together in anxiety as she stared at the notice board. The boys had gone to the duty-free store after Chanhyuk insisted that he buy some food for the flight, leaving the girl's alone with the bags. The mothers were busy chattering about their plans for the holiday and Sunhee sat in silence, trying her best to keep calm.

She hated planes, but her parents insisted that going on holiday abroad was the proper thing to do. They were metal death traps as far as she was concerned and she'd somehow avoided them for the past three years. But after deciding on a 'family holiday' she was forced into the airport where she'd immediately been abandoned.

There was only 40 minutes before the flight and with the sudden disappearance of half the group Sunhee's stress levels were through the roof. It was one of her biggest pet peeves when people decided to do something last minute and Chanhyuk was usually the main culprit.

The screen flicked up their flight number, telling the passengers the make their way to the gate but the women were too preoccupied to notice. Sunhee coughed, receiving a confused look as she gestured to the screen. The mothers stood up, eyes searching the room for the rest of their family. Chanyeol's ashy silver hair appeared from the other side of the shop and the women waved at him frantically, yelling for him to bring everyone here.

Sunhee hid her head in embarrassment and grabbed her bag.

"Wait for me babe" Chanhyuk yelled, stopping next to her.

Another boy joined them, smiling lightly at Sunhee and whispering in her ear before striding ahead of the group.

"Don't worry....I'll be next to you"


hoebai : heeeeeello! It's one of your authors here! I had to say.. it is currently 00:12 and I am checking the latest update by @byunfair and she kept putting Chanhyuk as the brother like nO bOi-
Chanhyuk is the FATHER lMaO so we had to swap the names around.

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