ORCD: Volume 1 Chapter 3 Welcome to the Jungle!!!

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Orchid was usually a rather heavy sleeper she couldn't count the number of times that her brother of farther had tried walking her up, and failed... however today was different she awoke in her bed and looked around noticing all the other people in her room were still asleep.

She then let out a small yawn and hoisted herself out of her bed and cheerily walked into the bathroom, and then walked back out noticing she had just walked into the boy's instead of the girl's.

She smiled into the mirror as she splashed water onto her face and then brushed her hair till it was nice and straight, she then got changed to her regular attire and then walked out of the bathroom. As she looked over the hall she noticed most of the students had begun to get up and get changed, she smiled brightly again and walked towards the locker room.

However as she walked towards the locker rooms however as she walked inside she realised two things, one, she hadn't seen Robin, Sun or... Neptune since yesterday... and two...

'WHICH LOCKER IS MINE?' She yelled to herself internally, she looked at the rows, upon rows of lockers, but couldn't remember which one was hers she ran towards one of them and tried her combination.

"34... 57..." she said to herself, however much to her displeasure, she let out a small grown as she then walked over to the next and tried the same combination, and the next one... and the next one...

Hundreds of lockers later after still not finding her locker she then noticed something, one of the lockers was open...

"I, I probably shouldn't..." she said to herself going to close the door "buuuuut, what if the person's equipment is missing... I should probably go check just incase..." she said her curiosity getting the better of her.

As she walked over peering around the door and looking inside noticing that there were two gauntlets inside made of what she could only assume to be gold "wow... cool" she said, she looked to her left and to her right to check there was no one around, she then slowly reached out her hand to touch it to check it was real gold, she had never seen something like this as she just wanted to check.

However her motion was stopped when she saw a shadow much larger then herself, tower over her "what, do you think, you are doing" a voice that sounded familiar spoke to her in a stern and aggressive tone.

'Please don't be who I think it is, please don't be who I think it is' she repeated to herself internally, however as she turned around she recognised the figure, it was the Faunus from yesterday standing before her with her hands upon her hips, it was now Orchid could see that the girl was a peacock Faunus her feathered skirt from yesterday was her wrapping her tail around her legs.

"Look bumping into me is one thing, but sneaking into my locker and trying to touch my weapon!" She growled "I'm, I'm sorry I just-" "look girly, I don't know if you think your better than me just because I'm a Faunus, but I'm getting really tired of you just sticking your nose were it doesn't belong!" The Faunus girl growled "what do you even have to say for yourself?!" The girl growled.

However Orchid just stood there not showing any emotion "well?" She said going to give Orchid a small shove, however instead her hand went right through the girl...?

A boy with a pale complexion and red hair, and another boy with a dark complexion and green hair walked around a corner "so what do you think today's gonna be like?" The red haired boy asked "eh, normal I suppose, I don't think there will be any problems with anyone really" however as he said that Orchid who had used her semblance to make an escape, ran out of the locker room while yelling "I'm really, really sorry" while in the locker room yelling and roars of rage as well as the sound of metal being punched was herd from the locker room.

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