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(Ethan's pov)
Serenity blocked my number last night making me somewhat hurt. I don't know why when I've only known her a day well, not even that.

I was on my way to school with Grayson and the school was coming into view.

"Ethan what's up?" Grayson speaks up.

I turned to him pulling a confused expression acting as if I didn't know what he was taking about.

"You've been quiet the entire journey now talk to me" he demanded.

I knew I couldn't turn down Grayson otherwise he'd constantly ask me all day reminding me of last night which is the last thing I want my mind on.

"Ugh Fine, Serenity blocked my number" I huffed whilst I rolled my eyes.

"Serenity?" He paused, "ohhh the really pretty girl you've gotta being locked in a room with. Damn Im jealous" he winked.

"Grayson" I said sternly not liking what he said.

"I'm just kidding, I'm sure you'll make up with her" he stated patting my shoulder before walking up the mad amount of stairs then into the school.

I hope we make up.

(Serenity's pov)
I was back in my usual spot leant against my locker when I see Ethan walking in. His eyes instantly danced over to me and I felt guilt rush over my body. I looked away and he did too and made his way over to Talia then pinning her against the locker sticking his tongue down her throat. Pain rushed throughout my body.

I chose to get up and walk away before more hurt came over me.

Please I beg for it to stop.

I pushed passed people and they all turned to me with disgusting looks which made me my heart sink more. I managed to get to Mrs Clark's room and take a deep breathe to hold back what I thought were tears about to leave my eyes.

"Serenity?" She paused looking at me stood in the door frame, "come in"

I walk in and she allowed me to stay in the spare computer room where me and Ethan would be next because Mrs Clark had to use her office today.

I decided to start my work early and we had to write a personal story on your life and I let my mind slip off.

'This live I've been living for 17 years has been the worst life I think anybody could imagine having. My mother chooses Fashion over me leaving me with no mother. I'm so lonely not even my dad or brother are here to save me from drowning in my tears.. not even my sister. I hold myself back from hurting myself every night flash backing to when I would, I wish I had jumped. When I had the chance I hesitated, she didn't though. If I did it would all be over no-' I was now speed writing slamming my fingers down in the keyboard and tears streamed down my face.

I suddenly stop as i feel a warm chest pressed against me from behind and two rather large hands gripping onto my wrists which was preventing of typing any further.

"Woah woah slow down, everything's okay come here" he assured me wrapping his arms around me.

His arms felt safe, like I was protected. They also felt like I was plunging into a dark whole I wouldn't be able to escape from.

I holt away from him backing up against the wall with wide eyes as his eyes begin to widen too.

"Serenity I-" he tried to talk but I cut him off.

"Just stop, I don't want to hear it Ethan"

He stopped and I admired how he reacted, he actually look... hurt. At that moment Grayson walked in with a soft smile on his face whilst swinging his bag off of his shoulder and into a chair earning a confused look from me.

"Did I interrupt?" He asked politely.

"No. Great timing though, but why are you here?" I cross my arms and tilt my head to the side a tiny bit.

"Oh, I asked if I could stay with you guys to help seeming as I'm one of the top students" he flashed a smile showing off his perfectly white teeth.

I sent him a smile back and decided to sit next to him instead of Ethan.

(Ethan's pov)
The entire time Serenity and Grayson were talking, more like flirting if I say so myself. I sat there annoyed clenching my jaw and I knew Serenity could tell.

They were laughing together. Smiling together. Joking together. Everything together. I wish that was me.

"Hey E, are you okay?" Grayson turned round and asked me. Serenity's smile instantly dropped as she turned to me and looked me in the eye. Before I could reply a women dressed up walked into the room making us dash our heads towards us.

(Serenity's pov)
I was lost in Ethan's eyes when we a dash round to see my mother stood in my room.

"Mom?" I stood up in front of her.

"Serenity are you serious?!" She yelled

"What the hell? What did I do?!"

"I saw the razors in the bathroom" she said, "wrists now!" She demanded gripping my wrists revealing all the cuts.

"MOM WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"I screamed at her before running out.

"Serenity!" I heard Ethan yell after me but I didn't care.

My legs slowed down as I reached my locker leaning back on it slowly slipping down with my hands in my face covering up the river of tears I was crying.

"Serenity" Ethan mumbled, panting as he came to a stop in front of me.

"Just go away Ethan"

I turned my head not wanting to face him. I felt his soft hands lightly grab my chin turning me to face him as he let out a soft smile.

"You're okay" he paused, "I promise"

I pulled him in to hug me and he fell in between my legs with his chin resting on my shoulder technically laying on the floor with my arms and legs wrapped around him.

"You know what?"

"Hmm?" I hummed

"You are staying round my house tonight, somebody as precious as you doesn't deserve this" he says.

"Ethan, you know I don't need anybody" I reply slightly leaning back to see his face.

"I'm not taking that, you are coming end of" And with that he picked me up, legs and arms still wrapped around me as he carried me to his car.

Once we got there nobody was home besides me, Ethan and Grayson. I didn't mind though.

Ethan let me borrow his jersey which was oversized on me so I Just worse some pants underneath.

"S!" Ethan yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah?!" I called back.

"We are watching a movie get your ass down here now!"

I instantly jumped off his bed and ran down the stairs to be greeted by Ethan in the kitchen who was making popcorn.

I hopped onto the counter and scrolling through Instagram.

"You have instagram?" He asked and I nod in response.

"Let me follow you"

I gave him my phone to copy my username and I soon get the notification and let out a loose smile.

"Popcorns ready" He said holding his hand out to help me get down, I take it jumping down and we took the popcorn and sat in the basement binge watching Netflix series.

The night was full of laughs something that rarely happened, maybe even never. I enjoyed my time and when he was with me I felt myself I just don't want to catch myself falling for a fuck not otherwise it's going to be a hard fall.

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