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Eddie's POV:


Richie was staring at the ceiling, his face was either emotionless or so full of emotion that you didn't know what was happening. I was sitting in the very uncomfortable chair next to his hospital bed. I looked down at the ground a few moments before Richie spoke.

"Eddie" I looked up at him, his words were emotionless but his eyes were glossy with tears.

"Yeah honey?" I furrowed my eyebrows not sure what was going on or if I need to get the nurse.

"I don't want you to die," My heart dropped, I was so confused. I was perfectly fine, if anything I should be the one worrying about Richie.

"Richard, I'm not going to die, I'm okay, " I grabbed his hand and held it tightly, he didn't grab my hand back which was weird. Richie always grabbed my hand, even when he wasn't supposed to. While we're in public during the day, in the car when he's driving. I get so mad at him when he does that, but he does it anyways. Why would he grasp my hand too?

"No," His voice was weak and shaky as he turned his head to me, "No you're not" A tear ran down his face as I felt a cold hand tightly grab the back of my neck. The fingers wrapped around my neck almost all the way, I held Richie's hand tighter. More tears streamed down his face, "I'm sorry Eddie, " I could feel my heart stop, whatever had grabbed my neck spoke, their voice familiarly terrifying and chilling. Richie closed his eyes and shook his head as they spoke.

"Miss me?" A childish laugh rang out, it was IT. I was terrified, the grip around my neck got tighter and tighter, I started gasping for air as I was slowly picked up into the air. And turned to face IT. Their smile full of sharp rows of horrific teeth. They opened their mouth, as wide as possible. The inside of his mouth looked like a plant almost, flared out into four sections full of teeth and gum. I started struggling as IT moved me closer to their mouth, and with in matter of seconds everything was black.

I gasped for air as I jolted awake, I was in the hospital room with Richie. Still sitting on the uncomfortable chair, "are you okay baby?" Richie looked more worried than me as I frantically looked behind me. I looked back at him almost in tears.

"Yeah," I took out my inhaler and puffed the medicine into my mouth, "just a really bad dream."

"Don't worry, everything is okay. Plus I wouldn't let anything happen to you." My heart slowed down a bit as the nurse walked it.

"Alright, you are free to go after these papers are signed," She handed me the clipboard and I signed the papers and handed them back to the nurse. Richie was only wear pants since they ripped off his shirt. He still had one of those hospital apron/dress things on though. She unplugged the monitors and I helped Richie get out of bed. I didn't even want him to use his hurt arm, I guess I was kind of babying him. We walked out of the hospital and to my car, as Richie was about to get in the car he stopped and stared at the hospital doors.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, I thought I saw a familiar face. "


Also he's baaaaaackk!!! 

#Daddywise 😂😂 

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