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At 2pm the plane landed and Eddie finally stood in Derry once again. Even though he was in an airport he's never been to before, Eddie felt like a child once more. Before realizing he had no way to get to his hotel. Well unless he walked a mile with a suitcase and a backpack.

Eddie walked out of the airport and scanned the walls for a payphone. Almost instantly he found one on the airport wall. He walked over as the cool September breeze hit his face.

He grabbed the phone before punching in Bill's number. The phone rang twice before he picked up.

"Bill D-D-Denbrough s-speaking" after all these years his stutter never left. Eddie felt oddly comfortable hearing his stutter.
"Bill! It's Eddie-" before Eddie couldn't finish speaking Bill yelled, "EDDIE K-KASPBRAK?!?"
Eddie laughed,"Yeah, it's me Bill,"

"o-oh my g-god! wait why a-a-are you c-calling m-me?"
"I'm in Derry, stranded at the airport." 

"A-and you need m-m-me to p-pick you up?" You could still hear the happiness in Bill's voice. "Right again Bill!" Eddie smiled. "Alright, I-I'll be there i-i-in a f-few minutes."
"See you then." Eddie hung up and leaned against the wall, observing the town. It looked the same as it did in 1955. Boring, shitty, but full of life.


Bill picked up Eddie from the airport and drove him over to his hotel. The two sat on one of the beds in Eddie's hotel room for about an hour just catching up before Bill said this, "H-Have you t-talked t-to Richie yet?" Eddie jumped up and said, "why don't we do it now."
Bill drove Eddie to Richie's house. Well mostly, Eddie asked Bill to drop him off a block away. He wanted to talk to Richie alone.

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