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Richie's POV:

After our little gay sess, I walked Eddie back to Bill's car. I held Eddie's little hand all the way there, he leaned his head on my shoulder. I made a joke about him being gay and all he said was," Richie you're so gay you should change your middle name to aids," I laughed a bit before we turned the corner and saw Bill in his car.

Eddie let go of my hand and Bill waved and a smiled at me. I waved back and kind of blushed. Well it looks like keeping this a secret will be hard. Eddie got in the car and I watched the two drive off before I started walking back home.

As I walked I thought about how much I cared about Eddie through out the years. God, it was so obvious I was gay, how did I not know? Soon after I caught myself staring at the ground thinking about our gay fetus self. Like when Eddie tried to drown me and when I had to snap his arm back into place. My heart pounded as I opened the door to my house.

I walked inside and plop down on the couch after closing the door. Richie, stop being a dumb queer. I thought to myself. You have to do something, you have make Eddie yours.

A/N: this is short and dumb but fuck it.

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