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Bev's POV:


I don't love Richie Trashmouth. Yes, I did kiss him. But it wasn't because I had a school girl crush on him, I wanted him to realize that he was meant for Eddie and that his heart doesn't want to be with anyone else. If they don't get married and have gay little babies, I will protest.

After Richie got up and walked away, I went back to the wedding venue. When I walked in Bill and Stan were dancing in the middle of the dance floor and basically everyone else was around them dancing too. I know Eddie has two left feet, watching him dance is like watching someone stab a wet noodle. I'd be able to see him from a mile away. I looked through the crowd and saw no wet noodle, where the hell is he?

I went up to Ben who was dancing on the outer edge of the dance floor.

I tapped him on the shoulder," Ben, do you know where Eddie is?"

"He said something about going home, why?" Ben never stoppped dancing

"I'm worried about him," he just kind of frowned, still dancing. I just stood there for a couple of seconds before walking out and into my car. I drove all the way to Eddie's old home, or what was left. In the middle of the ashes and debris was Eddie, I could tell he was crying even before getting out of the car.

I got out and he turned around staring at me with those big brown eyes full of tears. 

"Eddie..." I said shutting the door before running towards him and hugged him tight. He cried into my shoulder and to be honest, I almost started crying too.


After about 20 minutes, he finally started talking to me.

"All those years, all those years of memories and awkwardly blushing. They're all gone now," we were sitting on the car hood, he was leaning his head my shoulder as we stared at the house debris.

"I remember seeing smoke," Eddie lifted his head off my shoulder and looking at me," I rushed over here as fast as I could. When I got here, it was all in flames." His eyes wided.

"W-WAS ANYONE HURT?!??" He was on the verge of tears again. I shook my head, still looking at the debris. "This house was empty for years, Bowers told everyone that it was contaminated with 'the queer curse'. Anyone who step foot on the property turned queer." I chuckled a bit, "you know for the town dick head, he really is dumber than a rock." Eddie laughed and rested his head back on my shoulder.

"I tried to go inside, I remember the little closet under the stairs that I would hide in when you're mother came back from the store. After you moved Richie and Mike helped me kind of make it a little shrine. Bill drew a bunch of pictures of you and us, Mike had a few pictures from all the birthday parties and our school pictures, and Richie," I laughed," Richie wrote a letter to you every week and put it in there. He even stayed there waiting for you to come home." Eddie blushed and smiled at the thought. No matter how hard he tried, I could tell he still loved Richie alot. And he would never hurt him.

"They wouldn't let me inside, I didn't care if I was hurt I wanted those memories. All the letters and pictures so one day, I could show you. The only thing that was left was this," I got up and opened the car door, I searched for a second before grabbing a small burnt blue journal. Before shutting the door and handing it to Eddie," this is at least 10 letters that Richie wrote. I think you should read through them before you go," Eddie took the book and smiled. "Thank you Bev, thank you."

I drove Eddie to his hotel before driving back to my house. I opened the door and walked inside, I was greeted by a beautiful red headed, browned eyed small girl.

"Mama!" She ran up to me and hugged my legs before I crouched down and hugged her. "Hello Stephanie" I smiled, she always made me smiled. I picked her up before standing. She kissed my cheek and laughed.

Soon after David walked down the stairs, my bright smiled turned into a small almost frown. "Hello David," he smiled before walking right up to me.
"Hello love," he lightly grabbed my chin and grazed his thumb against my jaw. "Why are you late?" He stared at me with his menacing brown eyes. I barely looked up at him, "Eddie was having a mental breakdown, I comforted him," I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Oh so Eddie is more important than you're family now?"

"I'm only like 40 minutes late,"

"The curfew is set for 6:30 for a reason!" David said hitting the wall lightly

"I'll keep track of time better next time," I said putting Steph down before grabbing the apple juice out of the fridge.

"there won't be a next time," David said grabbing my wrist. I looked up at him, I wanted to spit in his face and slap him so much. I looked down at Steph before looking back up at David and nodding. He smirked and whispered in my ear," you know what I expect of you." Before walking into the living room and turning on the tv.
I filled Steph's cup with apple juice before grabbing a knife from the knife block. I walked up behind David quietly, before realizing what I was doing. I went back to the kitchen and put the knife back, grabbed Steph and took her into her room to play with her.

If had the chance to kill anyone and get away with it, I would kill David.

A/N: sorry if this dragged on. I was stress writing alot today, opps. 

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