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Richie's POV:


I woke up to the sound of screaming and glass breaking. Fuck, dad's here. I thought to myself before sitting up on my bed. I heard my mother's muffled yelling then my father's loud and clear yell followed by someone throwing something.

I grabbed my glasses off of my desk and put them on before changing into some clean clothes. I slowly opened my door just so I could hear better and wait for it to end. I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on. I wasn't gonna be in this fucked up rehab shit hole all day. Fuck that, I wanted be with the losers.

The people who actually care, like Eddie. Every time my parents fight or something, he always knew. I didn't have to speak, it's like he could read my mind. But thank god that's not true, I think he'd be scared for the rest of his life. Poor guy, hopefully Mrs. K isn't keeping him inside to rot away like her.

My train of thought was broken when I heard my mother crying and the door slam. My father was gone, but my mother wasn't. And I knew what was coming next. I closed my door quietly when I heard the wood floors creak with her steps.

I had to make a decision, out the window or the closet. Risk hurting myself and running into my father or Henry. Or baracade my closet, lock it, and hide under clothing. It's save but I'll be stuck for a while.

"Richie!" I heard my mother yell as she walked up the stairs. I looked at the window then back at the closet. If I was gonna die, I didn't want to die at the hands of my mother and I wasn't staying here.

I opened the window and climbed out onto the patio covering. I carefully made my way across the wood and jumped down onto the ground. I fell on my ass and yeah it hurt but I'm not a pussy. So I got up, grabbed my bike and ran to the front of the house. I heard my mother yell as I peddled faster down the street.

Eddie's POV:


I sat on my bed throwing a ball against the wall parallel to my bed. I was bored to say the least, the losers were scattered today. Bill had to help his mother with figuring out what to do with the extra space in the house. Every since Georgie disappered. Stan had to get his dick chopped off or some other Jewish thing. Mike was working at the farm, Bev's aunt grounded her for smoking. And Ben was trying to pick up girls, like an idiot.

It looks like I'm gonna be alone with my mommy all day. After a couple of minutes something hits my window, I look over thinking it was just a bird. But then it happens again, pebbles were hitting my window. I got up, opened the window and looked down at Richie who had a hand full of pebbles with him.

"Richie? What the fuck? What if you broke my window and the glass cut me? I could've gotten an infection you insensitive fuck!" I was basically scolding him... again.

"Oh shut up you're fine." Richie said throwing another pebble at me. I roll my eyes, "whatever, what do you want?" Richie smiles up at me, his smile was so perfect. Sometimes I can't help but smile back, and that's what I did. "Wanna go to the Barrens with me?"

When he said that I was basically already jumping out of the window.


Once we got to the Barrens, I found a nice spot to sit down. I ended up under a tree near the water, Richie sat down next to me. His body language was tense, something happened at home, I just knew.

"So what happened this time?" I looked over at him

"My dad didn't come home last night. He came back in the morning. I woke up to them fighting." I put my arm around him. Richie deserved so much more. He may be a trash mouth and an idiot, a very stupid idiot. But he's a sweet kid who doesn't want to lose more people in his life.

He leaned his head on my shoulder.
"Sometimes I wish I wasn't born."

"Don't say that Rich."

"If I wasn't born my parents would probably not cheat on eachother, and I wouldn't be such a piece of shit."

"You're not shit Richie, yes you curse but you're funny and amazing."

"Then why don't my parents love me?" After Richie said that, it was silent for about 30 seconds.

"Richie, look at me" he lifted his head off of my shoulder and turned towards me," who cares about those dick bags. All of the losers love you, especially me. We've been friends for a while. So I know you deserve so much more than your shitty parents."
Richie hugged me tightly, I think it was to hide the fact that he was crying. Richie was 'tough' but his family is a huge rough patch for him.

A/N: I honestly have no idea what this chapter is supposed to be. I just kept writing. Fuck it.

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