Ch. 9 Full Control

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Wooh I'm back

Jack's pov

W-we kissed.... I felt my face heat up. It felt like she enjoyed it but I was probably wrong.

Why is she making it so hard for me... Just the thought of her gets me nervous.

~Time skip brought by a unicorn~

This day passes by so slowly... that scene kept replaying in my mind..... I still cant believe we kissed.

She had training with Slendy now, I heard she's getting better at controlling it. Maybe she won't attack me next time! Okay, it wasn't her fault she lost control.

Your pov

I almost got distracted in training, i fracking. Kissed. Jack! And it wasn't just a small kiss... It was... magical~      and..... my first kiss.........

'Y/N, is someone there?' Slendy snapped me out of my thoughts.

'Oh, yeah, sorry' I said.

'Okay now let's begin, transform'

I had found a way to transform without having to become mad. I transformed and just when I was about to attack Slendy, I had control...

'You did it!' He yelled happily. 'That's amazing'

I quickly transformed back. He said I could go back inside and would come soon too. I ran inside, I swear I was almost shining.

'Ohhhh, someone's happy, what happend' Lulu asked.

'I can control it' I replied trying not to smile like Jeff. (No offense to him)

Lulu hugged me right as she was happy about it too.

'Ah, Lulu... c-can't... b-breath' I said trying to breath, which wasn't gonna happen.

'Lulu, maybe you should let her go before you kill her' a familiar voice says. Jack...

Lulu quickly let go and I tried to catch my breath.

'Sorry' she said in her adorable voice and she giggled softly. 'I'm just excited that you can control it'

No pov

Jack was also happy for you but not as bad as Lulu, like hugging you to death, that'd be weird.

A few days past and you didn't lose control once. Both you and Jack finally got over the nervousness about that kiss and acted normal around each other again.

'So Y/N...' Slendy started.

'Yeah' you said.

'Since you can control it now, are you planning on staying here or go back to your old home?' He asked.

'... I really don't know but... I think I better go back, they probably filed me as missing so...' you replied.

'Alright then'

That's all for now, I'll see you all in the next one!

Creepypasta Life: Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now