Chapter 11

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Justin POV

There I was again. Back to my old ways. Tangled in the satin sheets with a beautiful blonde who I didn't even know, our legs mashed together in a form of gentle intimacy, unlike the events of a few hours earlier. Sex was in the air. Our steaming bodies were still unsettled, mine specifically craved more. My body craved the ecstasy of it.

I could smell her strong, apple shampoo as I rolled my body away from her, luckily she only stirred in her sleep. I couldn't deal with the awkward conversation if she had awakened. It wasn't a forte of mine. Once I was standing up feeling the wave of guilt, I tucked the sheet in for her, keeping the cool draft away and so she was covered appropriately. I wasn't a total dick.

From her side profile, she was a beautiful girl who was peacefully in her dreams but that was it. A beautiful girl to let out a sexual release. Nothing more, nothing less. I was probably the same as her.

My movements were carefully calculated as I tried to put my clothes on in a presentable manner so I could leave and never return to this stranger's bed. The creaking of the wooden floors was almost making this task impossible. I gathered all the clothes which were tossed around and roughly put them on.

As I tied the laces of my shoes, I had one question lingering in my mind. How did I end up here?

One moment, Selena and I shared a personal moment which cleared my mind of anything sinister, any prejudice against her. It was something I don't think I've felt. Her warm touch, even just from her delicate hand, gave me this weird sensation, something I didn't know I was starved of until now - comfort. The next moment, I was in the nearest bar, numbing out any emotion which made me question myself with cheap whiskey until I was deep into the first thirsty woman who gave me an ounce of attention.

These events were clear as day. I could probably recite every word spoken around me with no struggle of the mistake but the underlining emotions as to why my instinct was to sit alone in a bar, followed by indulging into rough sex was too fragmented to get a clear picture. This was the Justin who was a reckless teenager, not giving a single shit about life for a while, not the Justin I worked so hard to achieve who wants to be a successful businessman.

I grabbed my blazer jacket and quickly left, no note. Nothing.

The breezy walk to my car was only a grateful 10 minutes from the bar. I shouldn't be driving with the whiskey still running wildly in my veins. I pulled up my sleeve to look at the time - 8:21 pm. It had been several hours since the last taste so I should be okay. I hoped.

Before I made the journey home, I decided to give Alfredo a call, just to see what status we are at right now and to see how everything was. I haven't spoken to him in a few days, I did miss his annoying ass. But from the endless beeping followed by his voicemail, I guess he was too preoccupied or just didn't want to pick up to my caller ID. A few calls later, I just tossed my phone in the empty seat and gave up altogether.

I ignited the engine and began the short journey home cautiously. With the lack of traffic splattered on the roads, I was relieved to see my home in visual sight in no longer than 10 minutes. I was relieved, due to the fact I wasn't pulled over from my drunken afternoon.

I crept inside once the car was off. I could hear the chaotic environment straight away from the television buzzing in one room, the radio in another and loud bangs coming from the kitchen. The lack of tranquillity in this house was annoying, but it gave me a chance to enter without being caught

I winced at each hard sound from the heel of my shoes made on the marble floor. I was on high alert until my hand traced the handrail on the staircase a few big steps later.

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