Chapter 33

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The school seemed to be extra rammed today as I was standing along with crowds of impatient guardians chattering away to whoever came near as they waited for the children to run out of her classroom and indulge for their newfound freedom.

I had to keep checking my watch secured on my wrist just to make sure they weren't running late. The impatience surrounding was beginning to takes its toll on me. Even a few flicks on the glass to hopefully hurry it up knowing full well it wouldn't be of use. A define flaw in my system.

Maybe it wasn't because I just wanted to see my sister and hear about her day but because I wanted to take that rat bastard of a father down this minute, this second.

From the recent events, I have hardly seen Jazzy personally - FaceTime was nearly a daily deal for us over the month - and she was constantly kept in the dark on everything around her. Too many everything will be fine or just focus on your schoolwork bullshit excuses thrown in her direction and she just accepted it. No argument. No counter-argument. She just usually nodded her head and carried on as if her world was settled in place. She wouldn't understand, she was far too young to grasp the family complications. I hoped for that to be the understanding. 

As we were all aware, she knew was it was my time to move out of the house to make my own beginnings and Selena and Michael's relationship didn't work out in the end, but she would always be happy to see her if she needed it. She probably wasn't deluded though and expected more of a complex narrative somewhere along the lines so I suppose it worked out well this way - for now.

"Jazzy." I wave her over she makes her appearance from the hectic children from her class. She was one of the only children not behaving like animals, walking contently over to my direction, quietly. She smiles in my direction, leaving her small group of friends a few seconds after.

"Justin!" Unexpectedly, she skips to me and doesn't stop until her petite arms are wrapped around me from her embrace. I kneel down slightly so I can go to her level and I instantly smiled. Sometimes my little sister was a cure for family comedowns.  

Within a month, she looked so much more grown-up, yet still full of life. Usually, she would appear sulky and would always highlight how she just wants to get home. Now, her cheeks were rosy, her grin was uplifting. I think she even had a sparkly lip gloss on. 

After our long I've missed you so much hug, parents seemed to already have disappeared and on their journeys home or to the nearest fast-food chain. It was like school was still in process. I take her bookbag from her hand and sling it on my shoulder as we take a peaceful stride to the car.

"So, how was school today Jaz? Did you do anything cool?" For once, I didn't wince at saying those words or fear the response. It was a refreshing feeling.

"It was great actually. Did you know if you mix cornflour and water together, it becomes a matter which is a solid and a liquid?" I glanced her way, thinking about whether she had been cloned. Usually, I expect a sentence which is limited to five basic words with a strong sigh of annoyance. I could already tell by her expression of joy and the fact she was beaming from this small revelation, she was moulding into a genius like her brother and behind the shock, I was proud.

"Huh? Really? How does that work then?" I ask her, somewhat curious of her familiar topic.

"If you leave it in your hand with no pressure adding to it, it acts like a liquid but if you hold it or keep it moving, it remains in a solid form."

"Ah, that sounds pretty cool." It actually did. I remember studying remarkable science material on YouTube out of pure boredom during my college days, hoping something would spark some kind of drive to conduct my own experiments. I was a lowkey nerd for small science experiments. Maybe not that specific area Jazzy mentioned, but something near enough. Biology more than anything. "I don't think I ever learnt that when I was your age." I politely lie.

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