Chapter 13

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"I need to go." I say to them.

"What? Why?" Jim asks.

"I need to..." I quickly think up an excuse. "Get some rest. We leave tomorrow and I need to get ready and all that."

"Right. Okay." Jim says. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yep." I say, and glance over at Bones, who gives me a questioning look.

I pretend to ignore it and walk away.

"Natasha." Bones calls to me a few minutes later. He grabs my arm, stopping me. "Where are you really going?"

"I need to-"

"No, you're not going to do that. Jim and I both have a feeling you're lying to us."

"I need to get ready Bones, that's all." I say, and shrug away from his grasp. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I walk away, turn a corner, and lean against the wall for a few minutes. I look back around the corner to make sure Jim and Bones are gone, which they are. I flip out my communicator.

"Hey Scotty." I say into it.

"Yeah?" He answers a second later.

"I need a small ship to take me to London." I say. "I need to pick up something from there."

"Captain, the Enterprise leaves tomorrow-"

"Yes, I know, which is why I need the fastest shuttle to get there and back."

I hear Scotty sigh. "I do so much for you..." He says. "Alright, it'll be ready in fifteen minutes. You know where to go."

"Yep, thanks Scotty."

"You're welcome."

I sign off the communicator and walk back to the warehouse and walk to the back of it where I left Khan.

He isn't where I'd left him. He's nowhere in sight.

"Damn it..."

Then somebody knocks me to the ground from behind. I roll over on my back in the dim light and somebody pins me to the ground.

"Who came with you?" Khan demands. "Tell me!"

"What are you talking about?!" I shout.

"Who did you tell about my return?" He demands.

"No one!" I shout.

"Then why did they come?"

"What are you talking about?! I didn't tell anybody! I swear!"

I tuck my knees up to my chest, plant my feet on his chest and push him as hard as I can.

He stumbles backwards and I take the opportunity to stand up. My back to the wall.

"You son-of-a-bitch! Why the hell did you do that?" I yell at him.

"I'm sorry. I thought-"

"You still don't trust me, do you?" I demand. "You still don't trust me."

"You are a sketchy character."

"Look who's talking."

"People came in here. Five of them, with guns."

"Did they see you?"

"Only four did, none lived to tell the tale of our encounter."

"Damn it Khan! What happened with staying hidden?"

"If I didn't do what I did when I did it, at least one or more of them would have lived and most likely told the Admiral about it." He explained.

"Where are they now?"


"Don't act stupid-the bodies. Where did you put them?"

"The hidden room."

I walk over and open the door to the hidden room, where I see the bodies from our first ecounter, and the five new ones. I look down at ground in front of me and see a few small streaks of blood leading to four of the five bodies. The other one has bruises on his neck. I look back at Khan.

"So you took one out from behind by just quickly twisting his neck, used him as cover from the four men who would have noticed you by now and started to shot at you. Then you used the dead man's gun to kill each man while using the dead man as cover." I guessed.

"What can I say-great minds think alike, besides the fact that we're brother and sister."

"You are so egotistical."

"Not egotistical-it's true. You and I both know this."

He's right.

"I don't know whether or not consider that a compliment; that we think alike."

"Consider it a compliment."

"There's a shuttle waiting to take us to London."

"Us? I thought you-"

"I'm taking you there, then I'm going to leave ASAP."

"Because you don't want to be seen with me."

"No." I say. "Besides the fact that you shouldn't be recognized, the Enterprise leaves tomorrow."

"A new mission?"


"How long?" He asks.

"Five years."

"Five years in space?"

"You spent 300 years there, five years should be like nothing to you."

"I was unconscious the whole time."

"Shouldn't make a difference." I say quickly and quietly.

"Yes it does." He says.

"Let's just get to the damn shuttle."

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