Chapter 11

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"Where's Khan's cryotube?" I ask Jim.

"Back of HQ again." Jim says. "He can't be awakened unless I allow it Natasha, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I do."

I head towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Jim asks.

"Why is it any of your business?" I ask him, not turning around looking at him with my peripheral vision.

"Natasha you just asked where Khan is located, I just told you, now you're heading to the door-wouldn't that make anybody suspicious as to where they're going? Including you?"

I nod.

"I'm coming with you." Jim says.

I turn around to face him.

"Jim, I'm not-"

"You're going there, don't deny it."

"I was just saying I wasn't going to be doing anything. I just...I want to see that he won't get out again."

Jim raises an eyebrow, but Uhura and Spock don't appear to notice anything.

"Okay, but I'm coming with you anyways." He says.

"Fine." I agree. "Um," I speak to Uhura and Spock. "Do you mind if I...?"

"Oh yeah, sure!" Uhura says, taking Spock's arm and leading him to the door. I open the door for them and Spock looks me in the eye.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"May I speak to you outside? I will not be long."

"Sure." I walk out into the hallway and Spock follows, closing the door behind him. We move away from the door down the hallway by at least ten feet. "Okay, what is it this time?" I ask, leaning against the wall, my arms folded in front of my chest.

"I am truly sorry that you've had to go through all this Natasha." He says. "You-"

"Spock, you don't need to be sorry. There's nothing that could have been done about my brother becoming a...well, you know." My voice is quiet in case if any of my neighbors hear, even though I know they won't, I'm still slightly paranoid about it.

He nods in understanding.

"Yes Natasha, but I still am sorry as to what he has become."

"Me too." I say. "Is that what you wanted to say?"

"You are correct."

I stand upright, my arms unfolded.

"And if you need anything Natasha, by all means, tell me."

"Why are you doing this?" I ask. "Offering help?"

"Because you are my friend."

I smile.

"Thanks Spock."

"You are welcome, Natasha."

"I wish he wasn't what he is."

"I believe we all do. If it weren't for him you and Jim would not have died, and we would not be standing here today talking about this."

A small tear falls from one of my eyes.

"Well," I say, looking down at the ground for a second and then looking back up at Spock. "Here we are."

Spock steps forward and embraces me in a hug. When he steps back, I stare at him.

"Who are you and what have you done with Spock?"

"I am here, Natasha." He answers, confused.

"Oh my God-do you get any kind of humor?"


"Don't answer that. Spock-you've known Jim Kirk how long?" I ask. "You'd think he'd get some humor by now." I add aloud to myself.

"Natasha?" Spock asks.

"Yes Spock?"

"I do not believe I understand any one's humor."

"Because you're half-Vulcan."


There's a few moments of silence.

"Thank you Spock."

"For?" He asks.

"Being a friend when I most need it."

A small smile plays on his lips.

"You are welcome Natasha." He nods at me.

We walk back to my door just as it opens, Jim and Uhura stepping out.

"Can we go now?" Jim asks.

"Yeah." I answer.

"Great. See you two later." He says to Uhura and Spock, pressing the button for the elevator.

"Natasha." Uhura says, stepping towards me. "I...I'm sorry about this. About your brother. In my opinion, you are nothing like him."

"But I am like him."

"In physical appearance, yes." She says. "And the fact that you both have brilliant minds-but you are not like him in other ways."

"What ways are those?"

"You're not a terrorist, you don't have super-human blood, and you have more compassion and kindness than he does."

She hugs me right when the elevator door finally opens.

I should really keep track of how many people have hugged me in the past 24 hours.

"Just remember you have friends who love you." She says. "And we will always be there for you." She adds with a small smile

I return the smile. "I hope."

Jim and I step into the elevator and the doors shut behind us.

"Why are you really going to see him?" Jim asks.

"I told you-to make sure he won't get out again."

"No." Jim says, shaking his head. "No, that's not the reason."

"And why do you think that?"

"You were hesitant when you answered me before."

"Why are you all of a sudden observant about stuff like that? Are you picking up some of my skills for observation?"

"Your skills have come in handy. Now don't change the subject-why do you want to go see him?"

I don't look at Jim, I only look straight ahead at the wall.

"Natasha?" He asks kindly.

"The truth is..." I draw in a shaky breath, I hate talking about my family.

"I want to check on him-to make sure he's safe. Even though he is a terrorist and has killed God-knows-how-many people in his life...he's my brother. The only family I've got left. Now it's just me and him. Brother and sister." I add.

I draw in another shaky breath and look at Jim, my eyes brimmed with tears-I can't help it, it's still. all too much to take in. The fact that I  cry or almost cry nearly every time I talk or think about this annoys me.

"And I will do anything to protect my family." I finish.

"Anything?" Jim asks.


"You sure?"


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