Chapter 10

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So Spock told Jim and Uhura, and when he was in the middle of telling it, a tear streaked down my cheek. And when Spock got to the part where Khan and his parents found that they could not return to the future, a tear streaked down my cheek.

How did he know about that?

I saw Uhura's hands fly to her face, her eyes wide with shock. Jim sinks down onto the couch when Spock's finished.

"But you're not all super-blood, right?" He asks me, not meeting my eyes.

"I'm not. Later on in his life he had that experiement on him." I answer, sitting down onto a chair. "My whole life's a mess; my family's a mess-after all, my brother is a super-human terrorist who lived 300 years into the past and then came back into the future, then there's me, who is a completely mess of her own." I say, my face in my hands, elbows propped on my knees. "I'm sorry I kept all this from you three."

"No, no, it's alright." Uhura says, crossing over to me and tenderly wrapping her arms around me. She pulls away and I take my head out of my hands.

"Spock," I warily look up at him. "How did you know about the time travel device getting destroyed?"

"I guessed. I was right?"

"You guess?" I ask incredulously.

"It's not the first time."

"It's not?"

"Captain, do you not know when I'm bluffing?"

"But you're Vulcan. When do you-?"

"And half-human." He answers. "And it's very rare when I bluff."

"I still can't believe..." Jim says, looking at me. "That he's your older brother." He breathes.

"Me too, but the facts are there."

"And now that I know it and look at you, it's obvious." He says.

Jim P.O.V.

The dark wavy hair, the beautiful (not Khan's) bright, multicolored, yet somewhat intimidating eyes, and the way they speak. They have the same British accent, and they can easily sound dark and evil and intimidating when they want to be. They both have sketchy characters, except I can trust Natasha more since I've known her longer, and Khan...well...he's just an evil son-of-a-bitch...with super-human blood. Their body language is also the same-I've noticed that they both sit erect, and they always seem alert, as if they hear and see everything, noticing and occasionally pointing out every little detail (Natasha's specialty).

And whenever Natasha'a around her brother, he seems to influence her character. She talks darkly and more intimidating to him, narrowing her eyes and hardening her expression so you can't tell what she's thinking unless if she wants you to know (which happens all the time with her, so that's a given).

As another similarity between the two, whether they are around each other or not-they both kick ass at practically everything. I have to admit, Khan's a badass just like his sister.

Then again, when you've taken martial arts of all kinds, gymnastics, track and field, have gone hunting every weekend possible in your life, have Admiral Pike for a godfather, sign up for Starfleet at the age of sixteen, train at HQ up until you're in your twenties, and go to the Academy right afterwards, I guess you do get kinda good at kicking some serious butt. Well, not "kind of", really really good at kicking butt.

And if you have super-human blood, well, you're automatically badass.

Natasha P.O.V.

I see Jim sorting out the similarites between Khan and I, I can see it in his eyes. I've always been good at reading his mind most of the time, especially at times right now when it clearly shows on his face.

"Jim?" Uhura asks as he sits on the couch, silent. "What is it?"

"I just...I still can't believe..." Jim says, looking me in the eye. "You're nothing like him!"

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, fine, maybe a few similari-"

I dip my head towards him, my eyebrow still raised and my eyes still locked on his.

"Okay, fine..." Jim says. "But you're not a terrorist! And you don't have any superhuman blood!"

I lean back and fold my arms across my chest, listening to Jim.

"A few more differences between the both of you Natasha, if I may point this out," Spock says, and I look at Spock, whose arms are also folded, he looks at me. "Khan knew your parents longer than you did, it is possible that he also saw them die in the very fire they had perished in." He pauses. "Perhaps, because of that incident, he joined the group of terrorists if he had not been in that organization yet."

"Or he's just naturally evil?" Jim suggests.

"Or both." Uhura adds.

"No." I cut in. "I knew my brother. Khan wasn't a bad guy then-"

"Natasha, you two were kids, people change when they get older." Jim interrupts. "I know I did."

I raise an eyebrow at him and he takes back his last sentence, knowing that the last sentence isn't completely true.

"No," I deny. "I think Spock's right. Maybe if he wasn't in the terrorist organization already, the death of our parents could have affected him. I'm telling you; when Khan and I were kids, he wasn't a bad person at all! He was probably the only person in the world who understood me completely."

"Well of course he'd understand you-you're his sister." Jim says.

"Granted, but Jim, even you don't understand me completely, and you've known me since we were kids. Khan knew me less than that."

"Natasha does have a point." Spock adds.

"I...I still can't..." Jim says, looking down towards the ground on the other side of the room where the wall met the floor, clearly he's still in shock that I'm Khan's sister. "I mean, I know it's true, the facts are there and you two have much more similarities than differences and all..." He looks me in the eye again. "But you're nothing like him."

"On the contrary," I start. "I am just like him. Only we grew up differently."

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