Chapter 7

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"What are we going to do?" I ask Khan.

"People here might not recognize me."

"The people from the Enterprise will definitely recognize you."

"So I go away from here-maybe over to London?" He suggests.

"Seems like the best option." I say. "But we can't just hop on a plane and fly off to our old house in London-that place was sold a long time ago. And Khan, you're going to have to change your name for the public records. Khan Adams or whatever-your-last-name-is or John Harrison is not a good idea."

"Alright, then we'll change it when we get to London-"


"You're coming along too are you not?"

"Yes, but I'm not living there. Khan I'm staying here."

"Alright." He says. "What do you think of this name; Thomas Moore?"

"Sounds normal enough."

"Come on then," Khan says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and turning me around back to the street, walking back to my apartment.

When we arrive, I sink down into the couch and lean forward, my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands.

"God, how do we do this?" I mumble to myself, running a hand through my hair.

"It's simple, I acquire a name here, create a fake record, fake life-fake everything, and then travel to London."

"Fine." I agree, leaning back against the cushions. "I'm thinking over this too hard."

"Too much too." Khan sits next to me.

My communicator buzzes in my pocket, and I retrieve it.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Natasha," I hear Jim, and Khan stiffens. "Starfleet HQ, Spock wants to show us something." He says urgently.

Khan stiffens even more at the mention of Spock's name.

"What is it?" I ask Jim.

"He didn't say."

I pause. "On my way."

I sign off the communicator and stand up.

"Got to go, sorry." I say to him. "And...just stay here, okay?"


I rush out the door and close it behind me.

When I arrive at Starfleet HQ, as soon as I walk through the front doors, I see Jim leaning out a nearby door and waving me over. I quickly walk over to him and walk through the door.

"We have a situation." Spock says Uhura standing next to him, pressing a button on a small keyboard in the wall. Instantly a hologram pops up above a slick silver-colored table placed in the middle of the small room. Jim and I walk over to it. It's footage from a security camera of a street nearby Starfleet. The image unfreezes and it shows Khan walking down the street. "He's back."

Jim's face drains of color and I silently curse to myself.

This is exactly why I told him to stay inside!

"When was this taken?" Jim asks Spock.

"Early this morning."

"Where did he go?" Jim asks.

"Not sure."

"This is live footage of the street now." Uhura says. "It's a possibility he'll come walking here again but we can't be sure."

"Do we know where he is now?" Jim asks.

"No we d-" Uhura stops short when she sees Khan walk into view of the camera.

"There!" She says. "Right there! He's there right-"

"Let's go and arrest his ass then." Jim says, striding out the room. Uhura and Spock follow him, leaving me staring at the footage of Khan.

"Damn it Khan...!" I say, running out the room.

I follow the three of them, and soon I see Jim and Spock on both sides of Khan, their arms wrapped around his and dragging him into the back street behind HQ, Uhura following them.

I follow them behind the building and they let go of Khan, shoving him against a wall, Uhura points a phaser at him.

"Stop!" I yell to her, striding quickly over to them. "Don't shoot."

Khan looks at me, shooting me a cold, angry look full of hatred.

"Why shouldn't I?" Uhura says.

"We could ask him question first." I answer quickly. "How he got out of cry-sleep for example."

"Captain Adams does have a point." Spock says to Jim. "We should board the Enterprise, which is ready for flight."

"We won't be going anywhere except for the Enterprise." Jim says, pulling out his communicator. "Beam  us up, Scotty."

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