Chapter 6

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I stood bedside Fiona outside Patsy's. She paced back and forth as she smoked and looked at her phone. 

"What are you smiling about?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in question at her.

She showed me her phone screen to show a guy. 

"Damn." I muttered.

Looking up, my eyes landed on an approaching Sierra. "Hey Sierra." 

"Morning." Fiona greeted.

"Hey. Can I get a drag?" Sierra asked stepping onto the sidewalk in front of us.

Fiona gave it to her while also showing Sierra her phone screen.

"Ooh. Your next hit-it-and-quit-it?" Sierra asked grinning.

"On a platter." Fiona said.

"Dang." Sierra said.

"Six-pack. Down for anything. Only in town for a week." Fiona listed.

"What's the tattoo?" Sierra asked.

Fiona zoomed in on the picture.

"Whoa. I might be easy but I draw the line at white supremacy." Fiona said.

"I think it's a Buddhist symbol." I said, looking at the picture.

"Yeah." Sierra nodded.

Fiona looked back at the phone. "Huh." 

"Been dead all night?" Sierra asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah. Since the dinner rush ended." Fiona said. "Maybe the 24 hour thing's a shitty idea." 

"I don't think people know about it." Sierra said.

"I put it on the marquee." Fiona said.

I looked up to see Max walking up.

"Morning boss." He greeted.

"Hey." Fiona greeted back.

"Gonna be a scorcher." Max said getting closer. "Your sign's wrong. It says we're open 24/7."

"We are." Fiona said.

"Right." Max said, pushing the door open and heading inside.

Giggling made me turn to see girls stumbling by.

"We're literally on the way from the clubs to the L. The kids stumble right past us." Fiona said, walking into the street.

Fiona turned back to us.

"They're probably headed to wherever they can keep raging." Sierra said.

"Why can't they rage here?" Fiona asked.

She turned and looked at the disappearing girls before looking back at us.

"Be right back." She said, running after the girls.

Sierra stood up and I looked at her. She gestured towards inside with her head and I nodded, heading inside with her. After a minute, I turned my head at the sound of the door opening. Fiona walked towards us.

"Party. Tomorrow night after hours to announce our new times. We'll invent bullshit drink names for the booze and keep it off the menu. Folks got to ask for it." Fiona said.

"Oh. A speakeasy." Sierra said.

"Max. Throw together a late night menu, would you? Make it a little grungy." Fiona said walking towards the kitchen window.

"You got it boss. Here, lunch special. Artichoke, spinach, pepper jack on toasted sourdough." Max explained as he handed Fiona food and she ate it.

"Bourgie grilled cheese." Max finished. "Eight bucks?" 

"Ten. Throw in some gourmet pickles." Fiona said putting the food down.

"Got it." He said, taking the plate away.

I continued to work for a little bit until Fiona and I headed back to the Gallagher's. Fiona and I walked into the kitchen. I looked down at my phone, scrolling through the page.

"Morning." She greeted. 

"Hey. Morning." Lip greeted back.

"What happened to your face?" Fiona asked.

I looked up to see he had what looked to be a cut on his cheek.

"Uh, boating accident." Lip lied.

I walked over to the table and sat down as Fiona walked over.

"Right." Fiona said. "First of the month. Pony up." 

She set a box down and I reached into my pocket. 

"What about Ian?" Debbie asked.

"Paid in advance." Fiona told her.

I threw the money in and looked up to see Lip looking at me.

"This is all I could scrounge up." Debbie explained.

"Great. I'll expect the other $372.22 shortly." Fiona said taking the box away.

"I'm a full time mother with no help, Fiona." Debbie complained.

"Donut Prince is hiring. Passed it on the way home. Snagged you an application." Fiona said as she handed Debbie the paper she got.

"What am I supposed to do with Harry?" Debbie asked.

"Not my problem." Fiona said.

The door opened and I looked up to see V walking in. Just as I was about to look back down at my phone, a hand grabbed my phone and I quickly grabbed it back before coming face to face with Lip. I rolled my eyes and quickly turned it off before tucking it into my pocket.

"I swear that Russian is up to no good." V said.

"What'd she do now?" Fiona asked.

"What? Not Svetlana. Her father." V said.

"You got two weeks." Fiona announced. "Can't get together your share by then, I got to rent out your room." 

"Where am I supposed to go?" Debbie asked.

"Homeless shelter down the street? I know the guy who runs it." Fiona said.

"That's kinda harsh." V said.

"I got to hit the sack, I'm dying. Okay. You guys need food, clothes, bail, whatever, call Lip. I'm on hiatus. Love you." Fiona said before starting towards the stairs.

"Nice to see you too." V said.

"This is so unfair. Lip?" Debbie asked looking at her older brother.

"I got to take Liam to day care, and then I got to go to my internship, all right? I'll have my phone. Call me if there's a crisis." Lip said.

"I'm right behind you." V said, walking out behind Lip and Liam.

Carl stood up, walking away with a fan. "Good luck getting laid smelling like fried dough all day."

"You always smell like that. What's your excuse?" Debbie asked.

"Uh. Bitches and hormones." Carl said plugging in the fan.

A spark flew out of the socket and I stood up while Debbie gasped. I grabbed my phone and looked at it, seeing a notification.

"Jesus Carl." I muttered, grabbing my stuff.

"Where are you going?" Debbie asked.

I looked at her, hesitating. "I have something to do." 

I reached the door but stopped and turned back to Debbie and Carl. 

"If you need anything and can't reach anyone or just don't want to bother the others, just call me, okay?" I asked, pulling a piece of paper out of my pocket with my number on it and putting it down on the table. 

I didn't let them answer before rushing out the door.

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