Chapter 20:

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I followed Fiona and Veronica into the building. We entered a room with coffins lining the walls and some in the middle of the room.

"There has to be something you can do. You can't just let her win." Fiona said.

"Kev went to go see that lawyer you used about suing, but he said it'll take years." Veronica said.

I started looking around at all the coffins, giving them time to talk.

"The Alibi is yours, not Svetlana's. It's not right." Fiona said.

"Where's Carl? wasn't he coming?" Veronica asked.

"Yeah, I texted him the address." Fiona said before bouncing back to the previous conversation. "Isn't she here illegally? You were never legally married to the bitch, right? She was already married to her dad."

"Yvon. Wasn't really her dad." V said.

"So? Call immigration on her commie ass. They'll ship her back to Mongolia or wherever." Fiona said.

"Miss Gallagher?" A woman asked.

I turned to see a woman walking up.

"Constance Grace." She greeted. "I'm so so sorry for your tragic loss."

"It's not that tragic." Fiona shrugged.

She had a small smile on her face. "Why don't we sit and talk? Can I offer you three herbal tea?"

The three of us looked at each other and shrugged, following her. She led us to a room and we sat down. 

"Have you had the chance to consider what sort of arrangements you'd like to make for your loved one?" Constance asked.

"Yeah, how do we get her into the ground as soon as possible?" Fiona asked.

"Ah. Are you Jewish?" Constance asked.

"No." Fiona said.

"Muslim?" Constance asked.

"No." Fiona repeated.

"Catholic?" Constance continued

"Not recently." Fiona said 

"We offer memorial packages for families of all faiths." Constance told her.

"Unless you offer something for narcissistic hedonists, let's focus on fast and cheap." Fiona said.

Constance nodded and pulled out a brochure. "This is our most popular affordable package, the "Dearly Beloved." It's all inclusive. Preparation of the body, classic series casket, viewing, grave site preparation, burial, and a lovely engraved granite headstone."

V and I shared a look while looking at Fiona.

"How much?" Fiona asked.

"$7,600." Constance said.

Fiona held the brochure back to her. "What else you got?" 

Constance took it and opened her notebook, taking another brochure out.

"The "Everlasting Love." Preparation of the body, no viewing, wooden casket, engraved granite plaque, grave site preparation, and burial." 

"How much?" Fiona asked.

"$4,600." Constance.

"Cheaper." Fiona said, handing her the brochure back.

"The "Eternal Peace." Preparation of the body, cremation, and a decorative urn for your loved one's ashes." Constance said handing her another brochure. 

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