Chapter Five

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            Dear my only friend in this whole place. It has occurred to me that you need a name because I do not want to be those corny girls who say ‘dear diary’ or whatever. I think you are more worthy of being called by a name rather than diary or journal when guys can’t face the fact that they have a diary. And it’s also because I feel bad for not writing in you for two days. So today’s gonna be extra-long just for you. Now, I’m thinking of Fidelis because it means ‘faithful’ in Latin. Don’t ask me how I know because I don’t know that answer either. Now all we need is a short nickname for you ‘cause I don’t wanna call you Fidelis all the time. I’ll settle it down later but for now I have to tell you my progress after this wicked freaky dream I had. It also might lead you to the fact that this dream might be what caused me to know the Latin word for ‘faithful’.

            Well let’s see, I had a freaky, but in a cool way, dream that is way too confusing for you to understand. I had a Spirit Mother, yelled an impossible command in my mind that actually happened, my body went numb. Just some really crazy stuff, but there’s something I left out that I’ll know you’ll understand for sure. Doryan was in it! And yes, it was a total ‘oh my friggin’ gosh’ moment. But not only was he in my dreams, I called him to my dreams! Well not really called him, ‘cause you know I have no idea of his whereabouts. I literally brought him into my dreams.

            I know, crazy, right? But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. I want to tell you what I found out after the dream. So sadly, I let Doryan and my Spirit Mother slip away from my mind in order to do so. Apparently I can do some way cool crap with my mind and speak Latin. You have to admit, it’s pretty cool to bring back a dead language, don’t you think?

            Anyways, I was curious to how I can say a command in my mind and have it happen in reality. That’s one of the things that happened in my dream. At first I tried to see if I could do it again, but this time I said a command that would get me out of here. You wanna know what happened? Nothing! Not one little thing! There goes an easy escape route, but I still have a plan. This time, it’ll get me some answers for sure. I remembered how the command worked in my dream. I wanted my image to disappear from Doryan after he took his next step. It was a cool moment, because I felt so powerful and pure and completely at peace with my very being. I tried that again so I could add it to my plan. I did that at least five times but nothing happened. Then my Spirit Mother’s voice came into my head, giving me very valuable information.

            “Say the commands in the Latin tongue, my child. Then all answers will be revealed to you.”

            I said thank you to her that was as sincere as any thanks I’ve ever given. Even more actually. After I said those two words I felt the slight pressure of a kiss on my forehead filled with love and kindness which overcame my thoughts. When those emotions dissipated, I started thinking “Latin? The closest I’ve ever gotten to Latin is Spanish and I don’t even know that!”

All of sudden it was like I was born into the dead language. Now I know it’s weird, but I knew what to do after that random moment. I went up to my door with the small plexi-glass window, the false journal in my hand, and waited for the black-eyed nurse to come for pick-up. When she reached my door she completely avoided eye contact with me. Not for long. When her fingers grasped the tiny book, I held it in place knowing she would look at me then.

            When her pitch black eyes met with my hazel color, I felt a tingling sensation go through me. I wanted to grimace in agony because this sensation went from harmless tingles to pain and torture in an instant. I fought against it because I knew I needed to keep hold of her gaze. I’ll write down the whole scenario for you because I’m getting a flashback, again.

Between Angels and Demons ~dead until further notice~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang