
Selena turned her eyes back to Callinan, who seemed unaware of the decision that had been made behind him.

Recalling the box of matches she brought from her apartment and the twigs with which she fueled the wood burning stove, Selena dashed into the kitchen, fumbling in her purse for the matches and grabbing a handful of sticks before returning to the main room.

Drawing a slow, deep breath and swallowing hard, she approached him from behind, kneeling at his side. She held the matches and kindling in her hands, cupped and raised close to her chest, as if in supplication.

The floor was cold beneath her knees and a shiver ran through her body as their eyes met. Her tank top provided her with little warmth and she could feel the heat of his body, so close to her own.

Selena saw in his expressive eyes that she was not alone in her longing, as the dying candle light cast them into deepening shadow.

"Don't be afraid," she heard him utter. 

She felt his hands close around her own. His skin was firm, and smooth - almost hot to the touch.

"It won't be long now," he whispered.

Selena saw a flash of lightening outside the window as rain began to patter the glass.

Taking the twigs and matches from her hands, he disbursed the tinder and lit the flame, watching carefully as the small twigs ignited and fire began to crackle throughout.

He stood quickly and, before she could utter a protest, he pulled his coat from the nearby chair, wrapping it around her shoulders.

"You must eat, Selena. It was brave of you to come, but you aren't fully prepared. You'll need meat to keep up your strength."

Kneeling beside her, Callinan placed the foil-wrapped chicken in front of Selena.

"Are there dishes in the...?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Selena had torn open the foil. Overtaken with voracious hunger, the smell of the meat had been too much.

Using her fingers, she tore into the whole roast chicken, ripping it apart, picking out the dark meat first. Juice and fat covered her fingers, dripping on to the foil below.

As the pile of chicken bones accumulated in front of her, something caught her attention.

A faded, cornflower blue, kitchen towel dangled from Callinan's hand, just within her reach.

"I got it from the kitchen a few minutes ago. You seemed...occupied."

Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she apprehensively raised her eyes to meet his.

There was no judgement in his bemused expression and his eyes sparkled, as if he knew a joke she did not.

He hunkered down beside her, placing the towel in her hand. "Next time, I'll bring more chicken," he murmured, with a slight chuckle.

"I'm so....sorry," came her whispered reply. Selena looked down at decimated chicken scraps, before continuing, "I really don't know what came over me."

"I think I do," he responded, sitting down on the floor beside her. "What brought you back to this cabin, Selena? It's been a long time."

She did not reply immediately, turning over her thoughts as she wiped the chicken from her hands and lips.

When she finally spoke, her voice was soft, but resolved, "How do you know I've been here before, Callinan? How do you know my name or anything about my life? I need to know what's going on."

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