Gone with the moon, New with the sun

Start from the beginning

Brendon isn’t sure why he felt the need to add in Jon’s choice footwear but it’s too late to figure it out. He also has his timetable pinned up along with his teachers’ names and whether they like him or not along with the names of the people he works with, or just sits with, in class.

There’s also a picture of his mother because he’s always worried he’ll forget her. She’s important. She’s all he really has; the one constant in his life that his brain recognises, the one strong steady relationship, but he still can’t trust himself to maintain that.

- - -

Brendon’s late for class because his corkboard fell down in the night so Jon had spent half an hour chasing him around the apartment and then another half an hour explaining who he was to Brendon and where they were and what was going on.

He’s doing a sort of brisk walk, bordering on jogging, and is balancing 4 folders in his outstretched arms which go flying in every direction when another warm body knocks him to the floor.

"Shit." He curses and begins trying to pick himself up when a slightly tanned hand appears in front of him. He grabs it and climbs to his feet before glancing up. "Sorry."

The guy he knocked into just smiles and pushes soft brown curls out of his eyes with a soft chuckle. "No problem."

- - -

The doorbell rings far too early in the morning. Jon stumbles across the apartment, groaning to himself after having abandoned his coffee machine. Too fucking early. He wipes blearily at his eyes and wrenches the door open.

"Um. Hi." Jon says because he’d expected it to be his best friend Tom or that creepy kid from his class that follows him around all the time but instead it’s a tall, lanky guy wearing a bandana, a fucking bandana and, fuck, are those cowboy boots? Jon thought he had bad taste in foot wear.

"Hi." The guy says in a strangely soothing monotone that makes Jon want to just drop back to sleep where it’s standing but then "is Brendon here?" and Jon shoots awake because shit.


"Okay, um, the thing is," Jon says in a hurry but then it’s too late and he hears the door crash open behind him and footsteps crossing the lounge and Jon would make fun of Brendon skipping but right now he sort of detests how cheery and enthusiastic Brendon is in the mornings, even is he is always a little cautious of Jon at first.

"Hey." A boxer clad Brendon chirps with a grin and bounces up to Jon’s side, eyes skipping over his face in the way Jon now recognises as Brendon matching this Jon with the picture on his corkboard. Brendon’s attention quickly turns from Jon to the mysterious stranger at their door.

"Hey," Brendon repeats, "are you Tom?" He then asks because after a few near run-in’s with Tom when Brendon had found him alone in the apartment he’d added the name to the corkboard but hadn’t had the opportunity to add a photo yet.

"Uh, no." Ryan says both confusion and hurt evident in his tone. "I’m Ryan. We were gonna go get coffee before class? We met yesterday?"

A frown crosses Brendon’s face as his eyes flicker from Ryan over to Jon. "I don’t. Um."

Jon sighs and beckons Ryan inside. "This might take a while."

- - -

Ryan sits on the sofa, eyes still wide and hands grasped tightly around his untouched coffee.

"Okay." He says, voice cracking as his eyes dart from Brendon to Jon and back again. "So. Um. What now?"

Brendon watches Ryan cautiously, now mostly dressed as Jon had insisted it was inappropriate to be half naked in front of a guy you only met yesterday (even if you don’t remember it).

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