Family United

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It was Maxine's voice echoing in her ear. Joyce opened her eyes and found her daughter's face pressed against her chest. "We've been so worried."

Joyce dug her nails onto the surface beneath her. Her head was pumped up and she was surrounded by blankets. Joyce bit her lip and banged her head against the white pillows. "I'm back in hospital again aren't I?"

Maxine shook her head, as she held her mother's hand. "No, you're home. You were in hospital, but they sent you back here yesterday."

Joyce examined the room further and found her entire family gathered around her bed.

"I must be dreaming."

"This is real," Cleo said with a smile.

"We were thinking," Maxine said. "Maybe you and Janine could go on a cruise."

"A cruise?"

Maxine nodded. "Janine is finishing University and she's leaving her job soon."

"So she's not a prostitute anymore?"

The family laughed. "Oh, so that's what it is?" Maxine laughed. "No wonder she never told me." She looked up at Janine and hugged her. "I won't hold it against you. You earned that money."

"What sort of cruise is it?" Joyce asked.

"A worldwide cruise," Maxine explained. "I found one that goes to all your favourite places. And also to places you've always wanted to go."

"But Cleo is paying for me to live here."

"We've had a talk with Mr Discord," Cleo explained. "He said that if you do choose to go, he'll be happy to keep your room for you."

"That's good," Joyce sad. "And what about the house at Cup-And-Saucer Street?"

"Janine is living there," Maxine said. "Cleo and I decided it was best not to seel the house. Too many memories to lose."

"I'm quite pleased about that," Joyce admitted with a smile. "I've had that house for years, I'm happy to pass it on to the family."

Cleo's eyes rolled to the floor. He gulped. "There is some bad news."

"Bad news?" Joyce asked.

"Cleo..." Maxine muttered. "I don't know if it's the right time to tell her."

"Tell me what?" Joyce asked. "You started now. You might as well finish."

"Rodger was arrested."

"WHY?" Joyce screeched.

"He was accused of a lot of things. Like theft and damage to property."

Joyce frowned. "Then I should have been arrested too."

"Because Rodger has full mental capacity, he's liable for his crimes," Cleo explained. "He admitted to beating up two gentlemen the other night. They might be moving here. Dorothy and Victoria are still here though: I think they miss his nagging."

"We should tell her everything," Janine said. "Stealing the car wasn't the only reason he was arrested." Janine spoke out, facing her grandmother. "Rodger's also been accused of murder."

"Murder?" Joyce gasped. "The old man hasn't got it in him."

"They found a skellington in his garden at his old house," Janine explained. "The skellington has been identified as Suzy Mill. She's been missing for over 50 years."

"Suzy Mill...could she be the mother of his children?" Joyce asked.

"How do you know?" Maxine asked.

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