Ready Or Not? Here We Go!

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Rodger snatched the night nurse's car keys, as much to Joyce's disdain. The four of them, including Dorothy and the apparent immobile Victoria, strolled down the reception area. He popped the keys into his pocket and fiddled with the cupboard behind the counter.

"What are you doing, Rodger?" Joyce had asked.

"I'm turning the power off." He slammed the cupboard shut and lept over the counter. "And then..." He dialled the code, opened the door and pressed his back against it. "Ladies first."

They sprinted out the door and he followed them out. Rodger cackled with his hands in the air. "WE'VE DONE IT!"

Dorothy looked around the car park and found only four cars. "Which one is it?"

Rodger pressed the button on the keys and the blue car on the far left opened. "That one!"

"I can't walk that far," Victoria said, dragging her feet across the car park.

"You'll get some rest soon," Rodger insisted as he raced into the driver's seat.

Joyce marched back towards her. "Would you like me to help you?"

"And I'll help you too."

"Thank you ladies," Victoria said, smiling. "Can't wait to have a rest." Rodger reversed towards the ladies so Victoria could jump right in. Dorothy hopped in the back with her. "I feel so much better after all that walking."

Once they were all belted up in the car, Rodger restarted the engine. "READY LADIES? HERE WE GO!" 

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