The Fairies In The Garden

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Today was the day. Joyce did her best to do everything she was told by the hospital to ensure a speedy recovery. She wasn't allowed to go home, she couldn't remember why, but she remembered the staff trying to tell her so many times. Either way, she was glad to be leaving.

Her mood instantly lifted when Cleo walked into her room. She lifted her suitcases and stormed off.

"I'm free," she squealed.

"Hey!" Cleo said. "Calm down, you don't want to fall again."

Joyce tiptoed back to Cleo. "No. I don't want to fall. Now tell me where this Emerald Oasis then?"

"Not far," Cleo said. "I'm going to drive you there."

"Sorry for being such a nuisance, I'm just so glad to get out of here. There's nothing to do here other than sitting there and rot."

Joyce stretched her lips as if she was going on holiday. She hopped into Cleo's lime mini before Cleo could get into the car.

"You're really excited," Cleo said, he couldn't help but smile. "I haven't seen you like this in a long time."

"Like I said, I'm just so happy to be out."

"Are you ready to go into your new home?" He clung to the steering wheel for a few moments.

Joyce nodded with both suitcases on her knees. "Yes. Take me there."

Cleo did as he was told and drove away from Uddington-Crown Hospital. "Are you all right mum?"

"Never better," Joyce admitted.

"I'm happy that you're happy," Cleo said. "Not many people choose to live in these places out of free will... I want to make sure I'm doing the right thing."

"And you're doing a wonderful job. You're the best son I could ever ask for."

"So have you heard from Maxine?"

"She came in yesterday pissed as a fart. I couldn't understand a word she was saying."

"No surprise there," his voice went cold.

"Have you seen her lad recently?"

Cleo was silent for a few moments. "I saw someone that looked like him in the laundrette, but it couldn't have been him. It was a woman."

"Oh, that's a shame. It's as if he's vanished from the planet. I can't remember Koga's number."

"I can ask him if I see him if you want?"

"If you could that would be lovely."

"I'll do it for you. Hey, looks like we're almost here."

"The car followed a long road surrounded by long hedges. Joyce had the impression that they were in a maze. A large fountain appeared at the end of the pad. Cleo steered over to the right and parked over the ramp.

He opened the door for Joyce and held her suitcases for her.

"This is such a big place," Joyce commented. "Are you sure this is the right place? This looks like some lord's mansion."

"Seems to be, unless my satnav is lying to me," he laughed. "But we are here." He pointed to the sign covered in musical notes. "Let's go in."

They were greeted by an effeminate man with jet black hair and a mahogany suit hanging on his small body. His floral pink tie was adjacent to his badge.

Gaston Discord was the man's name. He shook Cleo's hand and then shook hers.

"Welcome to Emerald Oasis Nursing Home. We've been expecting you, Mrs Patrick."

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