"Okay, but I'm not sure they won't try to kill us again" Astrid said looking worried.

"Well you didn't exactly help yourself there by running away with him" he muttered.

"That's true" I admitted.

"Still if you're nearly dry I think we should go shopping, at least to re-stock on food. You don't mind if Lola comes too do you?" he asked as he opened a door and a dog walked through and looked curiously at the three of us.

"Sure, she must be well-behaved, I didn't even realise you had a dog. She is so quiet."

"She is in the house but she gets a little over excited when I take her for walks in the woods"

When it came to sitting in the pickup, we let astrid sit in the front with Brian since she was still cold. Lola happily kept us company in the back and she seemed to like Loki. Loki was a little aprhensive at first but eventually let her rest her had on his lap. I grinned, if only I had a camera. The ride in to town wasn't too unpleasant but it was begining to snow, not heavily, but it was snowing. I thought about my family, what had they been told about me... was I dead or missing to them? I was meant to be spending Christmas with them and it would be the first where Amy would also be there. Brian pulled in to the parking lot and we all got out. It was warm inside the shop and we lingered for a while before looking for useful items.

Lola wasn't allowed inside so Loki said he'd wait with her. I could see that Brian didn't exactly trust him and it didn't surprise me. In the end he let Loki wait with the dog and showed us where there was some camping gear. We collected a couple of blankets, three lanterns, a lighter and some food and drink containers. Astrid headed off to look if they had a coat or jumper for her. I spent another few minutes browsing with Brian when to my surprise, Lola ran down the aisle barking. It looked like Loki couldn't do anything you told him to! Then Loki ran around the corner too. Something was wrong, I was experiencing that feeling of dread again...

"There are about twenty men with weapons outside they tried to shoot us, It was hard to keep Lola from attacking them"

"You aren't lying as usual?" I questioned.

Before Loki could respond to that I heard a quick round of gunfire as a couple of the men turned down our aisle.

"Run!" yelled Brian.

We did, the sound of bullets dangerously close behind us all the way down the aisles. Where was Astrid? I hoped she could still do that shielding thing with her magic, it looked like we were sure as hell gonna need it!


Amy's p.o.v.

When I reached 'the lab' I was laid on some sort of operating table. The freak who cut my arm was in the room and the scientists were asking him how best to try and 'fix' me. I could barley feel my arms and legs and breathing alone was difficult; there was no chance of me escaping.
He sighed shaking his head;

" I think we need to go back to square one, she knows too much and thinks she has a real life. Just wipe her mind and start over..."

"Okay sir" the woman who had assessed me said before barking orders to the other people in the room. They rushed about and I was tilted on the table so that I was almost upright. Someone opened my mouth and wedged a piece of rubbery foam in it. I got the impression that what they were planning to do would definitely hurt...

I couldn't really bring myself to accept what was going on after that - it was too horrible for me to want to; so i didn't. Closing my eyes I drifted and let myself go to a happier place...

On the Run (An Avengers Fanfiction) ✔️Completed (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now