" What the hell are you talking about Pipsqueak?" Catra retaliated with. The sound of gasps sounded around the room. " How dare you speak to The Winter's Bane like that." A voice from behind her said in shock. Catra did not know who any of these girls were and she didn't care enough to ask. " I'm talking about the fact that you are in the Lady Rebel bathroom when you're clearly not a player on the team."

Oh shit. She knew these guys, basically the GSA of sports, the softball team. And what does she mean by clearly she's not a member of the team, she's gay, duh. And since when have they had assigned bathrooms?

" Listen here, I came in here to wash my hands, and that's what I'm gonna do. So excuse me, Frostbite." The look of shock on the girl's face was enough to make Catra's day until something else happened when she went to re-dispense the soap.

The door was swung open to reveal Adora with a drawstring bag slung over her shoulder and a smile. The cool act Catra just had was replaced with a flush on her face. Now rushing to finish her hands, she kept her head down to not make eye-contact with the girl. Adora greeted the room of girls " Hey team!" they all answered back "Hey She-Ra!"

"What the hell is a She-Ra." Catra thought as she dried her hands faster to get the hell out of there. When she thought she would make it out without detection, Adora says " Wassup Catra." Now she had to say something or her team would beat the shit out of her; she was already on thin ice.

"Hey, Adora." Hmm, she liked the sound of that. Adora patted her on her shoulder and smiled a megawatt smile at her. " Well... I was wondering if you were free after school today, we have a home game today and I wanted to know if I could count on you being there." Catra didn't know shit about softball, but she did not want to see a frown on that beautiful face. " Uhh..." As she was about to answer, she looked around the bathroom only to stop and see that tiny freshman pounding her fist into her palm in a threatening way. That did not scare Catra at all, but she did want to see Adora in a uniform, possibly sweating. Hmm. "Okay, yeah I'll be there." She could see Adora's eyes light up when she accepted, and that was so cute. But she had to go now, Scorpia and Entrapta will wonder where she is. " See ya' later Adora and crew" she announced as she left the bathroom.

Body tingling after that experience, she headed over to the lunch line. When she got out of the line with her food tray in hand, she walked over to her friends' table. When she got there, she saw her friends having an intense conversation, with Entrapta moving her arms around excitedly and Scorpia nodding along.

" Hey guys, miss me?" They both turn to look at Catra happily. " Hey Wildcat! How's your day been?" As she asked the question, she sat down in the low quality plastic chairs set in a circle across from them and placed her tray and backpack down. " It's been interesting so far." she answered "Wow, Catra that's fascinating. You never answer Scorpia's questions like that!" Entrapta said in amazement. Catra felt ready to change the subject when Scorpia asked, " Well, tell us what made it so interesting!"

" Well, I guess I met some new people today." Catra elaborated shyly. Looking at the both of them Catra could tell they wanted to hear more, so she gave more. " Um, I met a girl named Adora Grayskull. Do you guys know her?" Scorpia piped up. " Yeah, I know her! We have the same English class, she's really good at it you know."

Entrapta was basically leaning over the table, " HA! Aren't you bad at English, Catra?" She was correct, how come that gorgeous jock was good at it and she sucked? "Oh, and she's in my AP Biology class."

How come Catra was the last to ever meet this girl? And she's cute too. "OH, MY WILDCAT!" Catra jumped out of her thoughts to see Scorpia looking at her with wide eyes. The whole cafeteria stopped their conversations and looked over at them in surprise. "Oh geez. Sorry guys." Scorpia said sheepishly to no one in particular.

When the cafeteria became loud again she looked pointedly at Catra, " Catra, do you have a crush on her?". Heat suddenly rushed to Catra's face, she could not do this right now. But these are her friends, so she can't lie to them. " I just met her today Scorp, it cannot be a crush. I just think she's cute or whatever."

Her short friend spoke up suddenly, "Well, Catra, she does seem to be your type." To cover up her reddening face, she begins to eat her mashed potatoes. When she didn't respond to Entrapta, she went on further with her observations. " Yeah according to my calculations, she does fall under your type. You know, you and Scorpia did date. And you had that crush on Lonnie-" This needs to stop. Waving her arms to get Entrapta to stop, she exclaims, "Okay! Okay! I see the similarities!"

She needs to tell them the reason why she can't fully accept her crush on Adora. "Guys, I'm afraid of liking her that way." Scorpia and Entrapta give her a look of sadness. And Scorpia starts to console her, " Hey, Catra it's alright to want things, ok? You deserve it. You work so hard."

Catra gives them a tight-lipped smile and lets the rest of the truth out. " She asked me to come to her softball game today." Speaking up out of nowhere, Entrapta says, " The way she pitches is amazing! The velocity of the ball, her arm spins, and how her form is perfect for spinning the ball in the perfect spiral! Ahh!" Looking over at how excited her friend got, Catra smirks a little, " Damn 'Trap I'm starting to think you've got a crush on Adora." "Nope. I just like science. Hehe."

"Oh, pals, I'm so glad we have each other! And that our Cat's got a crush!" Scorpia says while engulfing both Entrapta and Catra into a hug. "Ughhh. I guess I like you guys too." Catra says with the hint of a smile. "Ah, yes. You guys are quite nice."

Catra's third and fourth-period go by pretty slow; she wanted to bang her head on the wall the entire time. Now that that is over, she needs to catch her bus and come home to that bitch.

After coming off her stop, she reminisces about her day at school and how she's going to have to tell Shadow Bitch that she needs a ride to the game.

Shadow Weaver was very secretive, to the point where Catra didn't even know where she worked. Walking up to her driveway, Catra sighs, seeing the black Mercedes under the carport. She takes her keys out of her bag and unlocks the door to her house.

Making her way to the kitchen to greet her mother, she sees her with her afternoon wine glass and bottle on the counter. Catra knows better than to ask her anything when she's wine drunk. "Hello, mother." Catra greets the cold bitch, making sure to maintain eye-contact.

As if she didn't hear Catra, Shadow Weaver keeps her head faced down, swirling her wine around in little circles.

Still waiting for her answer, Catra remains still and makes no moves. She gets a look after a minute or so. Shadow Weaver lifting her head slowly and looking at Catra with an unwavering look.

She finally slurs out, "Hello, Elizabeth. How was your tutoring?" Catra straightens up at that and prepares to answer, but Shadow Weaver slams her fist on the table loudly and yells out " I know you didn't go, you insolent child!" Her head drops onto the table with a thud, and she appears to be asleep.

Catra knows though, knows that another outburst is coming in 3, 2, 1- " You never listen to me, Elizabeth! I try and try to put some sense into that little head, but it just won't work!"

Shadow has sat up at this point. Using her wrinkly fingers to point at Catra, she makes her final statement until she'll be passed out the rest of the day. " Go to your room you bitch! How dare you give me that look, like you're better than me. I better not see you anymore tonight."

And with that Catra gives a small " Yes, mother." And walks through the pristine living room and to her room.

To clarify, Catra's name is Elizabeth. She goes by Catra because that's what it said on her original birth certificate. So, she was named Catra by her birth parents. But, Shadow Weaver changed it to Elizabeth :)

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