Chapter 1

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When Catra first walked into the classroom of her second-period class, she saw what had to be the worst sight of her life.

There, sitting on her desk ( in the back row of course) was an annoying blonde girl flexing her muscles to the girls in her class. In mock disgust, Catra made her way to what was supposed to be her assigned seat and tapped her on the ridiculously toned shoulder.

" Um, you're in my seat and class is about to start." The girl turned around and immediately started apologizing. " OH, I'm sorry! I guess time flew by." The blonde grabbed her bag and hopped off the desk, turning so she could talk to Catra. "Hey, I've never seen you around before. I'm Adora Grayskull. What's your name?" Catra had no idea why she was making small talk like this. She was a nobody with like two friends. "I'm Catra Weaver."

Adora smiled and waved to the girls basically drooling over her. "Okay, Catra I'll see you around sometime." And with that, she left the classroom.

After Adora left, Catra's head was filled with her. Not in a weird way of course. Just the way she said her name and how nice she was, ugh. Catra had just met this girl and she already was disrupting her life. Living as Catra Weaver was nice and simple, no blonde jocks with rippling muscles and a shiny smile in sight, until now.

If her grades started to slip because of this crush- no it was not a crush, she was a distraction. Distractions caused more attention put on her from Shadow Weaver and that was a problem. Yes, Catra is grateful for her in her life because she adopted her as a baby when nobody else wanted her, but damn was she a bitch. Always nagging about grades and extracurriculars and unnecessary things to worry about. Sometimes she just wanted to live her life without the hag breathing down her neck.

Okay what class was she in, oh right Algebra ll. Catra just had to get this class over with and then she could go to lunch. Missing breakfast always made her super cranky. She had to go to school super early due to Shadow Weaver making her come to tutoring for English. She had a 93 in that class because stupid Dr. Castaspella decided to give her a 90 on her project. It's not her fault she doesn't understand that sappy metaphorical crap.

During lunchtime, she could see her friends Entrapta and Scorpia. She would never admit it, but they were her best friends in the world. She and Scorpia had met when they were in the first grade, and she and Entrapta met in the sixth grade. She loved how they were all outcasts at some point when they met.

The ruthless kids in school would bully Entrapta for being autistic, bully Scorpia for her prosthetic arms, And "Why did Catra get bullied?" you may ask, she had two different colored eyes. One blue and one light brown. And she was visibly gay from a young age, the whole nine yards kind of gay. She was obsessed with the wind fairy from Tinkerbell and She-go from Kim Possible, and some may say she stole her personality from them.
But that's beside the point. Catra is a junior now, and her friend group is stronger than ever, the Super Pal Trio, as Scorpia calls it. Hopefully, these last ten minutes of this class will go by quicker because her stomach will embarrass her with its cries for food.

After the class was finally let out for the day, Catra used her passing period to go to the restroom to wash her hands before she got in line to eat her lunch. As she made her way to the bathroom door, she heard giggling from the outside. Hesitantly, she opened the door to find way too many girls in the bathroom, formed in a circle. They were not washing their hands, so she made her way through.

"Uhh. Who let her in." A girl with split dyed pink and purple hair said when she got to the sinks. Catra knew she was talking about her, but she was not in the mood to deal with that today.

Moving her hand to the soap dispenser to, you know, dispense the soap, her arm was caught by a hand that looked like a child's hand. "You're not allowed in here." Caught off guard, Catra whipped her head over to see a freshman who had to look up to talk to her, with a deadly glare.

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