{12} Meeting the Demon

Start from the beginning

"Beating up thugs?" Honey said.

"Wait...How do you know about that?" you asked, eyes narrowing as everyone jumped Honey, trying to keep his mouth closed about them following you.

"Anyway...I guess you guys are right... And you probably do deserve an explanation..." you mused.

Everyone leaned towards you in anticipation of what you were going to say next.

"But nah!" you said happily, and tried to skip out of the room.

The twins tripped you and Kyoya stood over you, glasses tinted, "Explain. Now Ms. (y/l/n)."

You visibly gulped before nodding. You sat down and they followed your lead.

"So um... as you said before, I'm different. I'm sure you've heard of the (y/l/n) Industries?" you said, shifting uncomfortably in your seat.

"Yes. Your parents own it correct?" Kyoya said.

"So you're not a commoner!" Tamaki said happily.

You gave Tamaki your 'boi' face before returning to normal, "Yes, I'm not a commoner and that is thanks to the company. But my parents don't own it."

Hikaru and Karou nodded, "That's cool, we have another company we get money from that isn't our parents but our uncle's. Is it like that?"

You shook your head, "No. You misunderstand. I own (y/l/n) Industries."

Everyone's jaws dropped but Haruhi looked bothered, "You guys are amazed about the fact that she owns her own company but aren't questioning her having powers?"

You gave her a look that said 'I know right? These people are morons.'

"Anyway, I own the company, started it from scratch actually. And that is one of the many things on my plate," you continued.

"One of the many?" Tamaki questioned.

"Um...yeah...you...see...I uh have powers," you tried skirting away from the touchy subject, "Not that I do anything with them or anything..."

They all gave you that 'I totally believe you...not' face and you rubbed the bridge of your nose.

"I, uh, may or may not be the Demon," you mumbled under your breath.

"YOU'RE THE DEMON?!?!?!?" Tamaki jumped.

"YOU'RE THE DEMON?!?!?!?" Everyone else echoed.

The guys couldn't believe it. Sweet, innocent...okay maybe those aren't the best words to describe you...But the girl who had begun to be the reason their hearts would beat faster (although they were all too dense to realize you were the reason why) was actually an ass-kicking vigilante who owned a gazillion dollar corporation by herself. Sounds familiar doesn't it? [nananananananana Batman!] 

You sweat-dropped, turning your gaze towards the audience, "Isn't that what I just said?"

"That's so cool, (y/n/n)-chan! You get to fight bad guys and stuff!" Honey said excitedly.

"How many times do I need to tell you to stop calling me that?!?!?!?" you towered over him, as he began anime crying.

"I thought the Demon was a guy," both twins muttered, earning themselves a wack from you.

"Do I look like a guy to you?" you seethed.


"That's it!" you ran after them.

"What powers do you have?" Haruhi asked.

You stopped running and popped up in front of Haruhi.

'(y/n)'s been spending way too much time with these guys.' Haruhi thought.

You shrugged, "Just the usual."

They stared at you.

"What's 'the usual' supposed to mean?" Hikaru asked.

"In my Demon form, all my senses and abilities are heightened. Strength, speed, stamina, sight, hearing, etc. are all stronger compared to a normal human's. I can summon demons, but I can't exactly tell them what to do. I have fire-ish powers- I'm still working on those... To be honest, even though I've had these powers for a while, I don't know how many I have. Using my powers takes a lot of energy, so I usually rely on the heightened abilities and my training to get me out of difficult situations. And I have no idea as to why I'm telling you all this," you explained.

"What's your 'Demon' form?" Kyoya asked.

"Oh. This."

On cue, your irises turned orange. Your nails sharpened, as did your canines. Small horns erupted from your forehead and the ends of your hair were lit on fire, but miraculously, your head didn't burst in flames. You posed, and from your right palm, a small fire danced across your palm. Everyone gasped as you grinned.

"Hello, everyone, meet the Demon." you smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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