{12} Meeting the Demon

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Hosts POV

They gently carried you inside. They bought you to a living room where they laid you on the couch and sat across from you on a different couch and some chairs.

A moment of silence passed before Kyoya spoke up, "Do we know exactly what happened?"

"I believe our princess has powers," Tamaki said, uncertainly.

"And has awesome fighting skills!" Honey said cheerfully.

"And a loaded gun on her," Hikaru said strangely.

"But she only pulled it out to protect us, she has a good heart," Haruhi retorted.

"You guys can't seriously overlook the fact that she was the one who summoned the demon in the first place!" he said angrily.

Karou placed a hand on his brothers' shoulder, "He has a point."

Honey shrugged, "I don't know, I think was training for something."

Mori nodded at that, you had seemed prepared to face the thing until they barged in.

"I think we should let (y/n) explain herself before we accuse her of anything," Haruhi wisely said.

You tossed and mumbled something like, "5 more minutes..."

Tamaki gave a light chuckle, "I believe our Sleeping Beauty is awakening."

He walked over to you and knelt down by you with a rose before speaking loudly by your ear, "My dear princess! We wish to discuss what happened-"

His voice was cut off by a punch to the face as you angrily sat up, "Who dares disturb my slumber!"

He whimpered and went into a corner, bringing his knees up to his chest mumbling about how his daughter was very scary.

You rubbed your eyes and gave out a little yawn, which the male Hosts found very cute, "What do you guys want?"

"What-," Hikaru said.

"Happened-," Karou continued.

"Earlier?," the twins asked together.

Your eyes shot open, "Hehe... I... uh... I have no idea what you guys were talking about? Maybe it was a dream?"

Haruhi sweatdropped, "A dream?"

Karou rose an eyebrow, "One we all had?"

Hikaru rose his too, "Yeah not buying it."

Honey snuggled Usa-chan, "It's okay, (y/n/n)-chan! You can tell us as we eat cake!"

Mori shook his head, "No cake, Mitsukuni, it's too late."

Honey pouted and you began to try and tip toe away. Unfortunately for you, everyone was distracted expect for one person.

"Ms. (y/l/n). I believe you were going to explain this 'dream' we all had." Kyoya said haughtily.

Everyone looked at me and you froze. The twins swooped you up and put you back on the couch. Everyone returned to their seats, even Tamaki.

You twisted your shirt in you hands nervously, "So, um, I'm sure you have realized some, uh, interesting things about me..."

"Like you living like a commoner?" Tamaki said.

"Beating up Sombra?" Kyoya said.

"Displaying powers?" Haruhi said.

"Summoning demons?" Hikaru and Karou said in sync.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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