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My gift to y'all is an update on this and Deepest Desire!

I chose @kynlee_kat as my Sky character bc shes 3 & the perfect combination!

Merry Christmas ❤️




Nyla POV

I stare into the backyard watching Sky play on the swing set I had installed for her. Maverick was kind enough to let her keep Macy, and of course she sat playing guard dog. I smile shaking my head.

Things are... okay. I haven't really had found a way to cope with everything that has happened between Maverick and I. I've done everything I could think of; from talking to a shrink, to dating. Nothing has seemed to make it completely go away. Him cheating on me hurt me more than anything, but him cheating on me the night before our wedding was the icing on the cake.

I've tried to look past the situation and work things out but it's so hard to even look at him without thinking about how he let someone he met at fucking hotel bar ruin what was supposed to be the best day of our lives. I mean, drunk or not, he knew better. He even admitted to knowing better and still going through with it. Only good thing I can say about the whole situation is that he was honest about everything. The truth ain't ever hurt so bad.

But above all else, he's given me a love that's unconditional, and it comes from our amazing three year old daughter. I open the patio door.

"Sky, it's time for dinner baby." I call out to her. She hops off the swing and jet towards the house, with Macy right on her heels.

"What did you cook Mommy?" She takes a seat at the table.

"Just some Hamburger Helper. Mommy has a lot of work to catch up on so I had to make something quick remember?" I fix us up a plate, and fill up Macy's bowl. "You wanna say Grace?"

"You can do it." She shakes her head. After blessing the food we began eating, in silence. I look up at her, and she kept her eyes on the door as she ate.

"You expecting a package or something?" I laugh.

"No Mommy." She giggles. "Daddy promised to come by and play with me til bed time. I'm waiting for him to get here."

"Oh." I look back down. I secretly hated when he came over and especially when I didn't invite him and Sky did. But I can't keep her away from him, and vice versa. Not that I would anyways.

"Sky, I thought we agreed that you would ask me before inviting Daddy over." I sip my water.

"You said earlier that you had a lot of work to do and I wouldn't have anyone to play with if I didn't ask Daddy to come over." She shrugs. "I'm sorry Mommy." She looks up at me. I didn't care how upset I was at this child, she knew I couldn't be mad at her when she gives me the look she's giving me now.

"It's okay baby, just talk with me about it next time. Okay?" I nod. She nods, looking back down at her plate. As I was washing the dishes the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" Sky screams. I hear her and Macy race down the hall to the door. "Daddy you're here!" She screams. I mentally prepare myself for the awkwardness that comes with his visits, before ducking off into my home office for the next few hours. "Daddy's here Mommy, say hey so he feels welcomed." Sky says. I turn around to see him standing next to her holding hands.

"Hey Maverick." I force a smile, drying my hands.

"Good evening Nyla, you look beautiful." He says with a nod. I was in a T-shirt and leggings, wearing my bunny slippers, but I knew he really thought so. I just smile and nod.

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