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I see that this is a divided house. But we gonna get to the bottom of all this mess I promise lol. This update will be a little shorter just to set the tone for the next few updates.

I just had to update with a pic of my cutie patootie! Time does fly.. and yall aint gone believe this but I got a whole nother boy on the way smh.






Nyla POV

I just wanted peace. A peace of mind is the only thing that would do me some good. I have already cried all I can, and I no longer feel the need to hold onto this situation. Which is why I started my Monday off in my office with Maverick and Trish. Cancelled a meeting for this conversation, that's how bad I want my peace.

"I first want to apologize for handling things the way I did the other night." I say to Trish. "It wasn't professional nor classy. But I'm human, and I'm learning to control my anger. But I want control of my life first. And I haven't felt like I've had that since you two decided to ruin- I'm sorry. Since you decided to throw the future you promised me out the window." I say to Maverick. I've realized that I can't blame anyone but him for that night. The bitch wasn't marrying me the next day, he was. She didn't owe me any loyalty, he did. "So you tell me what happened, so I can move past this for once and for all, and get the fuck on with my life." I sigh, shaking my head.

"I told you what happened Nyla. I just got really drunk  and lost focus of what's important. It was out of my control." he shakes his head.

"No, tell me what happened. From start to finish." I cross my arms, leaning back in my seat. I watch his reflection turn bright red as he looked away in shame. I didn't even know if I was ready to hear it but I just felt like I needed to. "Well?"

"The guys were trying to bring a dancer in the room. I wasn't too okay with it, and I was already extremely drunk. I got to the bar, had a couple more drinks. That's when she showed up, and I went to her room with her. That's all I can remember." he looks at his hands. I nod.

"Well Trish, can you refresh his memory and fill me in?" I cross my fingers, resting my hands on my desk.

"I don't know how he can't remember something he wanted just as bad as I did." she says. Her tone was vindictive. Or maybe I just wanted it to be. Still working on this anger. "I will admit I came on to him in the elevator. But I stopped as soon as the elevator stopped on my floor. He basically begged me to let him come along. I was reluctant, but his reasoning was because his friends were trying to put him in a situation to be disloyal to you. He wouldn't shut up about you actually." she laughs a bit. Neither him or myself cracked a smile. "Anyways," she takes a deep breath. "So I let him come, and I offered to sleep in the other bed, even the pull out sofa but he wasn't okay with it. Just wanted to 'enjoy his last night as a free man with someone who wouldn't say anything'." she says finger quoting the air. "So we had sex like he was clearly implying, and I promised I wouldn't say anything so I didn't. Even after I realized who you were because that's just how I am." she shrugs. I wanted to jump over the desk, but I held my composure.

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