Red Eye x Reader

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SURPRISE EVERYBODY!!!!!!! Merry Christmas to y'all!!!! And my gift to all of you an UNREQUESTED ONE SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy mah POTATOS!!!!!!!! 


"Hey guys, glad you could make it!"

BC Sol was hosting a New Year's Eve party in honor of the festivities. You didn't want to go, but Christina insisted you went. 

She had artfully arranged your h/c hair in an elaborate braid around your head, and embellished it with a silver flower headband (if you have short hair, just pretend). You wore a f/c dress with crystal beading forming swirls on your dress.

She finished it off with a silver necklace with s/f/c gems on it. You reluctantly stepped into the main hall and sat down on the sidelines. The colorful lights and dancing bey club members didn't raise your spirits. You only had one person on your mind.


You walked out of the bey club house for some alone time, and found a small clearing surrounded by trees and a small lake. You sat down near the edge and looked to the sky.

You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't notice somebody was watching you from the trees.

Red Eye's POV

That girl. What was it about her that intrigued me so much? She's only one girl. She looked lonely, but the sunlight caught her hair and made it look so beautiful.....

I stopped in my tracks. What was I talking about? I don't even know her name! But she looked very interesting, so I walked towards her.

Your POV

You heard someone sit down next to you. You flinched and turned to punch the person, but were met by a hand catching your fist. "What were you hoping to achieve by punching me?" his voice asked. 

You blushed deep red. You couldn't see his face behind his black and red streaked mask. You lowered your fist and looked away. He smirked to himself. "You shouldn't be out here on your own. Big bad wolves might be hunting around here," he said mockingly. You turned to him and said, "Why I'm out here is my own business, and I'm not a little girl."  He scoffed, "With your size, you might be confused for one."

You gasped indignantly. "I'll have you know that I'm only 2 inches under the normal height."

"Still makes one hell of a difference."



"Fuck you!"

"No thank you."

"You-wait what?"

He smirked. "The name's Red Eye."



"Hey Red Eye," you called. He looked up at you. "What is it?" he asked. You took a deep breath in, and said, "Why don't you ever take your mask off? Why don't you tell me your real name?"

He stopped in his tracks. Why would you ask that? Did you really want to know? Should he tell you? Despite his whirlwind of thoughts, he only said, "Would you like to know who I am?" You nodded.

"Maybe someday."

(End of flashback)

You had met together there more times than you could count. Every time you saw him, your heart beat a million miles a second, and you grew nervous. You two had grown close to each other, and would meet at the clearing at least twice every week. You had a few close calls, but no one ever found out about you and Red Eye's clearing.

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