Reunion (Part One)

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Dia's POV

     I'd seen the private jet streaming through the sky from the window of my Student Council President's office, the all-too-familiar Awashima logo tacked onto it in huge, bold lettering, visible from the ground. I'd hoped with everything in me that it was her, and I hated it. Every time I saw one of those fancy planes, I couldn't help but long for her sing-song voice, the scent of her perfume, her overwhelming personality.

     For two years, I continued to hope for her unexpected return. And I was still hoping, despite how much I wanted to hate her, how many times I had repeated to myself that I despised her for leaving, even though it had ultimately been me that told and convinced her to leave our hometown of Uchiura.

     I hoped and hoped for her return, and Kanan's as well, as if we hadn't been apart for what seemed like a lifetime. Although Kanan wasn't gone from the country like Mari, she had suddenly disappeared from my life. It was, of course, completely understandable that she had left Uranohoshi for personal reasons. She simply couldn't attend school while caring for her father and running the family shop alone... But it didn't stop me from feeling bitter. She hadn't reached out to me or told me she was leaving, and I tried to contact her, but to no avail. She'd simply disappeared from my life as quickly as Mari had, and I couldn't forgive them for that. Not a call, not a text. Nothing. They left me alone and afraid, and I had, admittedly, become cold and bitter as a result.

     I felt a headache begin to build as I sighed and tore my gaze from the window. My schedule was busy enough as it was. I had no time for daydreaming.

     There was a new Director starting her career at Uranohoshi Girls' High School that very day, and it was my responsibility to inform her of duties she would be given as such. It was strange, but the identity of this woman had eluded me for the couple of weeks I had been aware that she would be coming to work for the school. What I did know was that she was younger than me by six months, which was surprising, but not as surprising as it would have been if the school wasn't about to be shut down permanently. My guess was that the school's board of education was really struggling to keep itself on its' feet, and the only option they had was to hire some super smart, rich young woman from a better-off city in Japan to not only run things, but to help fund things as well.

     Another sigh escaped my lips as I checked the clock above my office door, my chin resting in my palm, the nails of my free hand tapping impatiently against the mahogany desk. Five minutes late. This person evidently had no clear concept of time, and I really did hate to be kept waiting. I stood, about to walk to the door, when it suddenly burst open.

I expected a woman not unlike me: dark hair, a crisp, businesslike uniform, and a calm, collected demeanor.

This was very much not what I had imagined.

"Ohhh~ Dia, you've grown!"

My heart was in my throat, beating a mile a minute. My mouth was dry, and I couldn't find it in me to complete the simple task of swallowing. My skin was hot, then cold, then hot again. The ticking of the clock was far too loud in my ears, and before I could stumble, I grabbed the chair in front of my desk to steady myself, then I sat down. Even as I sat there, my eyes trained on the ground, my hands clasped, I could feel my body trembling.

That trill. That sing-song-y, annoyingly giddy voice. It was so distant, yet so familiar. I had spent too much time longing for it, and even yet, it was in my ears after all this time.

     I looked up, meeting her golden gaze. It was the same... After all this time...

"Mari Ohara... I am assuming you're the new Director of Uranohoshi?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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