154 11 1

11:54 pm

"Summer is just around the corner. New material, new scandals just waiting to be printed."

Lila's eyes were full to the brim with excitement as she continued to gush about the possibilities summer offered. Arms interlocked with Kaira's she pulled her back and forth, jumping and squealing like a child in the center of an aisle of toys.

"I'll be entering into my year sabbatical while you're running around looking for scandals to write about."  Kaira pointed out with a grin.

Lila frowned, pushing her away before grabbing her and interlocking their arms once again.

"I don't know why you're smiling, it's not like you're getting a paid break. Might as well find yourself another job while you're at it." She grumbled, jutting her lip into a pout.

"If I wanted another job, I would've just quit. I'm only taking this so I can focus on discovering my own writing style. You know this already."

"I get that you want to find some direction for your books, but it's still unfair of you to leave me all by myself. Not to mention, I'll be the only one with the newbie!" Lila exclaimed, mimicking a silent wail, clenching her heart.

"Absolutely unforgivable, absolutely outrageous. Not even a lover would dare to do such a thing."

Kaira held back a laugh, elbowing Lila's side before abandoning her outside the pharmacy as she strolled in. Lila followed her in within seconds, flashing her a playful glare before enacting another silent sob.

She grabbed Kaira by the shoulders, controlling her direction as she guided her to the liquor section and down the aisle to the chocolates.

"Make that two bags of chocolate, I'll eat my sorrows away tonight." Lila declared with a sniff.

Kaira shook her head with a chuckle, grabbing two of the largest bags of chocolate. Lila's hands remained on her shoulders as they directed her to the register.

"Hoseok! Can you believe what she's done to me?" Lila deplored wiping away invisible tears.

He scanned the items, shaking his head along with Kaira.

"What has she done this time?"

"She's such a drama queen, I don't even know how we were able to finishing editing. It's a miracle we got out of the office this early."

Hoseok rang up the price and grabbed the payment from Kaira.

"It seems like you guys have been busy these past couple of weeks, how's the project coming along?" He asked, handing over the bag of beer and chocolate.

"It's crazy at the office, someone from the editing department stormed out just last week, but an internee from a few months back was assigned the spot." Lila explained.

"And I'm the lucky trainer." Kaira added with a sigh.

"I thought you were taking a sabbatical?" Hoseok questioned, leaning against the counter.

"I am but it starts mid summer, and I'll be training the newbie up until then."

Hoseok nodded with a renewed "ah" and pressed his lips into a sympathetic frown.

"Speak of the devil." Lila whispered, pointing to a new customer clad in a long brown trench coat and a filter mask.

"Is that the internee?" Hoseok asked in a whisper, watching as the customer looked around in a daze before locating the liquor section of the pharmacy.

"There he is, Kim Taehyung. Must be tired after learning the ropes from Kaira today despite the frenzy the editors were in."

He approached the register, placing a pack of beer on the counter, failing to notice his fellow colleagues.

Lila gave Kaira a nudge, wiggling her eyebrows. Before Kaira could convince her to do otherwise, Lila turned to the entranced internee with a sharp clap.

"Taehyung! Can't believe we bumped into each other here of all places! Do you live around here?" Lila exclaimed, a devious smile plastered on her face.

Kaira stood behind Lila, too flustered to intervene. She turned towards Hoseok mouthing a 'help me' in which he returned a muffled laugh.

Taehyung suddenly swept away from his own trance was too taken aback to answer, but nodded and pointed to the direction of the apartment building across the pharmacy.

Lila turned on her heel with raised eyebrows before turning back to Taehyung with a smile. Kaira pulled the back of Lila's coat in an attempt to flee, but all attempts proved futile.

"What a coincidence! Kaira lives in the same apartment building! Can you believe that Hoseok? Anyways, Kaira and I were just about to head over to her place and have a couple drinks. Why don't you join us instead?" She proposed, putting aside the pack of beers he had placed on the counter.

Kaira remained stunned, jaws tensed while she waited for his reply. Every passing second left her feeling even more mortified. Lila was a tenacious character and knowing her, she must've concocted this on the basis of "getting back" at her.

"If that's okay with you.." he mumbled behind his mask.

Kaira shot another 'sos' signal towards Hoseok which was deflected with another fit of muffled laughter. 'Good luck' Hoseok mouthed before disappearing behind the counter to suppress another fit of laughter.

With a triumphant smile, Lila grabbed Kaira and Taehyung by the arms and dragged them out of the pharmacy and towards the apartment.

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